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Video Fitness Hall of Fame

These exceptional workouts are the most popular videos among Video Fitness reviewers. Each has 10 or more favorable reviews.

Click on the video title for consumer reviews

Step Videos

  • Energy Sprint , by Karen Voight.
    Arguably one of the truly classic step+strength videos, this high intensity interval workout is a great choice for advanced exercisers or for intermediate/advanced exercisers who want to take their cardiovascular fitness to the next level.

  • PowerMax by Cathe Friedrich.
    This killer 1996 video became a favorite almost before it's official release and is often mentioned as VF readers favorite cardio video of all itme. It's a bit dancier than Cathe's other tapes, which meant some of the moves turned off a few reviewers, but the rest of the reviewers adored it from start to finish--most feel it's Cathe's most exciting and original video yet, and among the most intense step videos on the market today.

  • Step Fit with Cathe Friedrich.
    Another instant hit with Friedrich fans!

  • Reebok: Intense Moves with Gin Miller.
    Gin and Reebok stepped up to the plate and hit one out of the park! VF'ers were blown away by this killer interval workout. If you thought there were no challenges left on video and aren't afraid of high impact step aerobics, this one's for you. VF readers feel this is the toughest cardio workout on the market. No fancy choreography, either.

  • Body Max by Cathe Friedrich
    If the powerful step aerobics don't kill ya, the strength work might! A bargain or an advanced workout, this 90 minute video includes 30 min. of high intensity step, 30 minutes of step/lower body circuits, and 30 minutes of thorough upper body strength training. Reviewers call it the most challenging video they've ever tried.

  • CIA 8003: Double Crunch Workout with Jennifer Mills. This split hi/lo and step video was designed for instructors and is packed with complex combinations, but reviewers gushed over Jennifer's winning personality and her ability to teach the difficult routine. Takes a few rewinds to get the moves, but worth the effort. included in the Floor category because the 1/2 hour hi/lo section is a great workout all by itself.

  • Real Fitness: Ultimate Step with Keli Roberts
    An easy to follow, intermediate level step workout, this video also won raves for the ab section at the end.

  • Step Jam , by Cathe Friedrich.
    Cathe knows how to please her fans--reviewers rave about this advanced step tape's exciting choreography and top-notch cuing.

  • StepWorks by Cathe Friedrich
    Another classic step video in the tradition of PowerMax, StepFit, and Step Jam.

  • Step Reebok: The Video with Gin Miller. The video that started it all. Excellent introduction to step with basic choreography, MTV-style cinematography, and a live band.

  • Maximum Intensity Cardio with Cathe Friedrich. (Hi/Lo, Step)
    Very high impact, but about as intense a cardio workout as you'll find on video. Basic choreography, nothing fancy or dancy.

  • CIA 9801 with Christi Taylor.
    Christi reaches new heights of creativity and complexity with this two hour, combination hi/lo and step workout. Reviewers were particularly taken with her joyful hi/lo routine and its high energy music. The excellent hour-long step routine is about the most complex on video, but worth the effort to learn. Christi's utter joy in teaching this routine is obvious, and reviewers couldn't be happier.

Hi/Lo Videos, Boxing

  • Strong & Smooth Moves by Karen Voight.
    Despite some minor criticisms about the MTV-like set (e.g. bizarre lighting), our reviewers agree that this intermediate level video is a well-designed, professionally produced workout. If you want a video that's time-efficient, mostly low-impact, and combines floor aerobics with light strength training, this is a great choice.

  • NAC Interval Challenge .
    National Aerobic Champions bring you a intermediate level interval workout. This one has a high energy group of instructors whose spirit helps get you moving.

  • CIA 8003: Double Crunch Workout with Jennifer Mills. This split hi/lo and step video was designed for instructors and is packed with complex combinations, but reviewers gushed over Jennifer's winning personality and her ability to teach the difficult routine. Takes a few rewinds to get the moves, but worth the effort. included in the Floor category because the 1/2 hour hi/lo section is a great workout all by itself.

  • CIA 9801 with Christi Taylor.
    Christi reaches new heights of creativity and complexity with this two hour, combination hi/lo and step workout. Reviewers were particularly taken with her joyful hi/lo routine and its high energy music. The excellent hour-long step routine is about the most complex on video, but worth the effort to learn. Christi's utter joy in teaching this routine is obvious, and reviewers couldn't be happier.

  • Maximum Intensity Cardio with Cathe Friedrich. (Hi/Lo, Step)
    Very high impact, but about as intense a cardio workout as you'll find on video. Basic choreography, nothing fancy or dancy.

  • Tae Bo series with Billy Blanks
    This one has more mixed reviews than any other Hall of Famer, but enough reviewers thought it was the most motivating series ever that it merits a place here. Despite the high price tag, reviewers raved about Billy's motivational style and effective moves. The most talked about video series in 1998.

  • Power Kicks with Aaron Lankford
    Many reviewers actually preferred Power Kicks to Tae Bo considering its reasonable price and the technique instruction you get throughout the workout.

Strength Videos

  • The FIRM Cross Trainers: FIRM Strength (previously Variety: StrongBody) with Pam Cauthen.
    This tough strength workout quickly became the most popular FIRM video among VF's consumer reviewers. Reviewers especially liked the choice of exercises, pleasant instruction and the nice pacing of this workout.

  • the FIRM Cross Trainers: FIRM Cardio (previously Variety: StrongHeart) with Heidi Tanner.
    Serious strength training combined with short, mostly low-impact aerobic intervals. Most found this video very similar to FIRM Strength, preferring to use it as a "heavy" workout rather than a light one, which seems to have been the producers intention.

  • Get Hard Arms & Shoulders with Cory Everson.
    Reviewers loved what this gym-style workout did for their arms and shoulders. Cory's style is a bit cheesy for some, but the workout itself is first rate. Cory's superset approach works the muscles from all angles. Unlike most upper body videos, this one does not include exercises for the chest and back.

  • The FIRM Vol. 4: Time Crunch Workout
    A time-efficient, tough strength workout which also includes short aerobic segments to keep your heart rate up. A total body workout in 45 minutes.

  • Maximum Intensity Strength by Cathe Friedrich. This phenomenal, thorough, 75 min. total body strength tape became a favorite only 2 weeks after its release. Reviewers loved the wealth of form pointers, Cathe's typically detailed instruction, and the emphasis on barbell work (dumbells can be substituted).

  • Tough Tape by the FIRM.
    Compiled from the FIRM's Tortoise and Hare, they chucked the ballroom aerobics and left us with a winner of a strength tape. Top notch, no-nonsense instruction from Tracie Long.

  • Standing Legs by the FIRM.
    Edited from the FIRM's first six total body volumes, Standing Legs is known as the toughest leg workout on video.

  • Body Max by Cathe Friedrich
    If the powerful step aerobics don't kill ya, the strength work might! A bargain or an advanced workout, this 90 minute video includes 30 min. of high intensity step, 30 minutes of step/lower body circuits, and 30 minutes of thorough upper body strength training. Reviewers call it the most challenging video they've ever tried.

  • Firm Maximum Body Sculpting with Tracie Long
    Reviewers were happy to find a video with a complete strength workout in 45 minutes with no aerobics.