Turbo Jam
Reviews from VideoFitness
So I'm five years late to the Turbo Jam party, having used Learn & Burn before finding out I was pregnant, then moving to the 20 Minute workout once or twice while I was pregnant. Seems like that 20 Minute workout got the most use out of the set I purchased which included the Fat Burning Elite add ons.
I liked Chalene. Despite the wealthy suburban mom pretending to be urban feel to the series, I found her motivating, fun and full of energy. That said, my main problems were with the structure of the rotations and the hyperfocus on the obliques and shoulder muscles. This was enough to make me decide to not finish the TJ rotation and to reconsider the purchase of Turbo Fire.
There were only two rotations, a Beginner and an Advanced. The Beginner rotation used the 20 Minute workout exclusively for most of the four weeks, adding Cardio Party in sporadically. The Advanced rotation was better structured but a bit much for an intermediate level exerciser who is new to Turbo Jam or new to working out five or more days a week. Right now I can honestly say if I never use that 20 Minute workout again it will be too soon since the Beginner rotation relied upon it too much.
Also, neither rotation introduced any strength training until near the end. So the rotations were almost all cardio which made them uneven, in my opinion. I ended up using the 3T workout on an off day and found I liked it better than the Turbo Sculpt workout which gave me sore knees. And like many BB sets which include deluxe add-ons, the rotations only include the basic set, leaving you to your own devices.
Finally, the workouts overused the shoulders and obliques and I actually gained an inch on my waist instead of losing it. My right shoulder felt a little out of whack until my normal adjustment and I wish there had been a little more instruction on how to throw punches safely. I ended up not using Kick, Punch, Jam for this reason as I felt leery of adding weighted gloves to already overworked shoulders.
In the end, I liked the series but did not fall in love with it the way I thought I would. Turbo Jam ended up being, for me, a nice date that I struggled to feel an attraction to but could not even though it was good on paper. Turning kickboxing into a dance party was not my cup of tea as I prefer my dance party workouts to feel more like Zumba and kickboxing to be more athletic.
Chalene is engaging, fun and enthusiastic. I didn't think I would click with her but I did and I look forward to trying CLX now that I've passed on Turbo Fire.
Absolutely the best workout I have ever done in my life. Slim in 6 is effective, but boring and redundant. Every video has the same moves, and the music isn't worthy of an elevator. I never make it past week 4. Turbo Jam gave me a whole new outlook on exercising. I know you've heard it a million times, but it really is fun. Try it is all I can say. I'm not at my weight loss goal yet, but the fact that I look forward to working out every morning is definitely going to get me there. Some people complain about the cueing, and I'll agree that at first it is frustrating, but once you've done the workout a few times, you will realize she does cue, because you will know what "row", "twist", and all her other cues mean. Before you know it, you'll have it down and won't need to even think about the moves. My advice is to take the first week to learn and get comfortable with the moves. Don’t be concerned with keeping up with their pace, just learn the form, once you do it's fun and it's easy. This is coming from someone with absolutely no balance or coordination. Try it, give it a real chance, and I know you'll be as addicted as I am. If you want to lose weight, but hate to work out, you owe it to yourself to try this.
Motivating, energetic, a little too perky, but she does push you to work harder.
Turbo Jam is for real!! I have them all! Cathe, Firm, Reebok, Kathy Smith, etc.
This work out is slamming! You get the best work out ever. For 45mins although it doesn't seem that long, you are having so much fun & sweating. I really get into the workout. Great ab workout, legs, butt and more! My only negative would be the music is too much in the background. But you know I don't even care! Charlene is fantastic!! Thank You!!
Super Motivator!! Great Shape!!
Friendly!! Good Instructor!!
Can exercise be any better. Not yet. :)
I cannot say enough about how she makes exercize FUN and also reminds you to eat properly.
Chalene and Team bring an aura into your home you just don't want to give up because she changes who you are as a person.
No matter how bad the day may be...she makes you smile/laugh, not only at her, but at yourself.
Can exercise be any better. Not yet. :)
This is the best money I have ever spent on an set of exercise DVDS!! I have tons of Tae bo and even though I know they do great things for my body, I am so unmotivated to do them. Not so with turbo jam. I actually look foward to them and sometimes catch myself singing the songs afterward. I always hated how most videos have bad music and these are great. There are songs like party train, mama gonna knock you out, baby got back and some newer ciara. If you like hip hoppy dancy you'll like these! Plus with the package she teaches you from a complete beginner--so anyone could do these!!
Chalene is a gangsta soccer mom. If this would annoy you, stay away. I think she's really funny, she cracks me up. She doesnot cue the whole way through, but this is simple so why do you need constant cueing? I think she points out good form and I catch myself adjusting mine from her comments. She also has modifiers for low impact that you can see at all times!!!
Things that affected my impressions
I mostly use advance workouts but I think it is important to include different levels of intensity and impact. I like to cross train. I enjoy pure forms of exercise more than fusion workouts. With that in mind, I really enjoy kickboxing workouts. I like to use dance workouts as add-ons and mostly for fun. I like to work my abs and the variety in Ab Jam is a nice addition.
Personal impressions
This workout style is influenced by the 20 something generation- Buffy meets Britney at dance competition. I mostly prefer the million dollar baby workouts. But, sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don’t. I saw CPM 2 as an animated, choreographed, kickboxing influenced dance workout. Dancing is the primary focus. The choreography uses kickboxing moves, but I felt that the focus was on having fun not proper KB form. I think it could be safer with better cueing and set up. I had fun with CPM 2 and feel like it will be an effective aerobic workout. I am not sure that I would try another Turbo Jam workout, time will tell. Ab Jam was a nice addition to my collection.
Type of workout
Turbo Jam takes kickboxing to a 2nd generation fusion workout by incorporating dance. CPM 2 clocks in at 43 min 40 sec. The intensity level is intermediate to advance. Chapters include warm up, jabs & twists, kicks & punches, crosses & zig zags, turbo (90 second anaerobic drill), water break, recovery dance party, finale, cool down, and stretch. Ab Jam is an abdominal workout that is divided into two 10 minute sections, standing and floor abs. The standing abs section is a combination of the KB fusion moves & the floor ab workout is more traditional with a Turbo Jam flair at times.
There is no chapter menu option. You can FF through the chapters. There is a timer clock at the bottom of the screen. There are no glitches on Ab Jam but CPM 2 froze, pixilated, and skipped throughout the finale.
Other factors that affect the workout
Cueing/personality- I watched these workouts prior to using them. Chalene talks throughout CPM 2. She uses verbal encouragement i.e. Yeah baby! And, she hawks her workouts a little. Chalene does call out some form pointers but her cueing was inconsistent and nonexistent at times. Chalene’s interaction with the music reminds me of Christi, except that Christi has fun while remembering that she is leading a workout.
Music- The music for CPM 2 is Disco Heights, I Got That Boom Boom, Renegade Master, & Baby Got Back. The music on Ab Jam is instrumental (urban/pop). I would rate it as the same caliber that I’ve come to expect from Christi, Cathe, and Tracie.
Background exercisers- I didn’t find any distracting figures (well maybe one potential). There are a couple of exercisers who demonstrate modifications.
Set design- It is a gray room with frosted glass but the set is not dark.
Customer service- Beachbody consistently has reported complaints with customer disservice.
• Getting the best price on this product takes work, like buying an airline ticket.
• The online order form is responsible for many mistakes. Read it carefully because chances are you won’t get to verify your input before your order is placed.
• The representatives are not very well trained or informed and it can be frustrating to place an order by phone, get correct information, or settle a dispute. Make a list of things to do while waiting to be helped.
• BB can be unreliable with your credit card billing. Check you CC statement/bank records.
• Shipping is not always timely but they occasionally surprise you.
• You can have a positive shopping experience. I have ordered from Beachbody twice and both times I had problems with my order. I was able to settle my problems with the company without too much of a problem.
Pet peeve
I think the Learn part should be included on the workout video/DVD and not be charged for separately, especially when the workout is billed as a new trend or new to the home workout market. I don’t like being charged for instructions on a product someone is trying to sell me. I did not buy L&B.
I had posted my impressions after previewing the TJ workouts. I have updated these impressions after doing (or, trying to do ) several of the workouts.
I want to stress that I had never seen a Turbo jam or Turbo Kick workout or Chalene before.
Very good:
- The music. The music is why I took a chance and bought these. I wish it was louder!
- I love standing ab work and these have it all over the place.
- Some fun moves.
- Chalene. I was glad to see that she has a nice voice. Her personality is energetic and enthusiastic. But, not obnoxious.
Not so good:
- The Set. Boring, low-budget and non-descript. (I love the P90X set.)
- The Costumes. I work out at home, so will admit to no concept of current workout fashions. These outfits were, in general, ugly. They seemed ill-fitting and unflattering. Some of the women needed better breast support.
- Cueing. Late, bad or non-existent. Being impaired in so many ways, I need excellent cueing. DH watched these with me (NOT always a great idea.) I mentioned my concern about the cueing. He said, "What cueing? She ISN'T cueing." I tried Turbo Jam "Learn & Burn". I got the moves down fine. I then attempted the TJ "20-Minute Workout". I was not able to follow her ABYSMAL cueing. A few days later I tried "Cardio Party". I only lasted about ten minutes before giving up. Chalene does this workout as if it is a live class of experienced Turbo Jam exercisers. Which was not in the least helpful for someone like me who was new to the moves. Very frustrating!
- Form. Well, it's not supposed to be REAL kickboxing, is it? I mean, like you would use for self-defense? It is for fun and fat loss. Maybe it is different in the Turbo Kick live classes.
- Form Pointers. Not enough for me. I have been spoiled by Aaron Lankford and Kathy Smith, who seemed more aware that not everyone is familiar with kickboxing moves.
- Chalene says it time to drink some water. Then she runs over to the side of the stage and pretends to drink water from a bottle. It was very odd. Why not just drink some water?
- There is some whooping. I hate whooping in general. (Cathe's Boot Camp is an example of whooping that makes me want to strangle someone!) Yet, with the great music and the fun moves in TJ, it didn't seem annoying.
- DVD "issues". I played them on my Toshiba in the living room and they played fine. The Pioneer in my workout room is older and more fussy, but they played fine on that as well.
The workouts were too hard to follow and made my knees sore. That is the death knell for any workout.
Please see review.
The video is wonderful. The music is great. the Workout is awesome, and time flies by when you are working out with this video. This video will keep you motivated and will have you come back for more everyday!
Chalene is the greatest! She is a motivator, an inspiration, and a genuine person who truely cares about people like me. She has done something truely wonderful for people who would get quickly tire of workout because of repeticious movements in the workouts. But I would never get tire of her workout called Turbo Jam. Amazing things is that the time just flies by! before you know it, it is done and you don't want it to be done. So, I coninue on with her other workout dvd's. Ever since I have puchased TJ I workout at least 1.5 hours. She keeps my motivation and energy level high. Thanks Chalene.
you won't be sorry you bought this program, it's too much fun to be considered a "work"out. You pump it up and smile and dance, and then you're done and completely sweaty! You can choose to follow some really great cast members who are doing the low-impact type moves or pump it up to your limit -you'll be groovin' in NO time!
Just "dancey" enough to be a great time, not SO dancey that it's too hard to keep up. I love it. You will too!!!
very energetic, has a great voice, includes a short background piece about her and her cast which is great.
I bought Turbo Jam a couple of weeks ago and from the very first workout, I KNEW that this was one workout I could stick to. The music is incredible and you can't help but move and get energized just listening to it. The cast is amazing and shows you how to modify all the moves to keep it low-impact. Chalene shows you the correct form for every move and explains the purpose of them so you realize WHY you are doing them. Her energy is through the roof and it totally matches the music.
I couldn't believe that, as a beginner, I was sweating so much at the end of the Learn & Burn video, but was so pumped, I also did the 20 minute workout followed by Ab Jam (20 minute abs- 10 standing, 10 on mat). It was awesome!!! I have done many exercise programs and own too many to count, but this by far, is the best one I have done yet. It's like a fun dance class that even uncoordinated people, like myself, can do and love and best of all, you'll feel results after the very first workout. I lost 3 pounds in the first 4 days of doing Turbo Jam and my pants are all looser already. My workout buddy is a 3 year old that absolutely loves the workouts (what she can do) and doesn't quit until the end as she just loves the music.
I own Tae-bo and must say that although Chalene uses punches and kicks in her workouts, it's not the same, nor is it a copycat. They are both great programs, but Chalene's is more like you are at a club having fun than a workout. Tae-bo is more like a class (which is good, too).
I totally recommend Turbo Jam and give it 5 stars (out of 5). Thanks Chalene, for making a workout that is so much fun that I wake up at night wondering if it's time yet to Turbo Jam!!!!
Chalene Johnson is by far, the most energetic, motivational and inspiring fitness instructor I have seen. She is also very knowledgeable and seems to genuinely care about your success. She not only teaches you the moves, but explains the purpose of each. For the first time in any video I have ever seen, the moves are all with the home viewer in mind. When they say "right", it's our right and not theirs! That's so very helpful when you are trying to learn new moves and form. Chalene is VERY encouraging and really cares about fitness and having fun.
This is my first review ever, so bear with me. About me: I've been exercising for about 15 years and would call myself moderately advanced (I can do and enjoy Cathe). Recently, I found myself in a cardio slump (I was still lifting heavy)until I found Turbo Jam. Upon previewing I was not sure if this was for me. The music is not my thing - I like Indie Rock, but I decided to give it a try.
The workout is a lot of fun; it's what I'd hoped Taebo would be, which wound up driving me nuts with all the counting and yelling, not to mention all the Christian references. Besides the kickboxing, there are fun dance moves, all with a strong focus on the core. To my surprise, I started to get into the music; it's very well matched to the moves and is actually very motivating! Also motivating are the background exercisers: they appear real and are obviously having fun.
Besides the cardio workouts (Learn and Burn, 20 minute workout, and Cardio Parties 1 and 2) there are additional workouts: Ab Jam, which is the only ab workout, besides the FIRM's 5 day abs, I have ever enjoyed and will be able to stick with. It consists of 10 minutes of standing ab work and 10 minutes on the floor.
Lower Body Jam is also fun and I'm really able to feel the work in my outer thighs.
Additionally, there is Turbo Sculpt, which is a high rep/low weight routine that works the entire body. This one is a little hard for me to use, as I do a heavy 3-way split every week. It probably is a nice way to change things up.
Chalene gives excellent pointers throughout all her workouts and is very motivating and encouraging.
If I can give one tip to people on the fence it's don't just preview it: do it!
Chalene is genuinely enthusiastic about her system; very encouraging, repeatedly points out that the workout can be done low-impact or with smaller moves.
Turbo Jam is the best home fitness program that I've tried. It's nearly imposible to get bored and quit something so addicting! The music is great and the success stories of the people right there ON the video are extrememly motivating. I would highly recomend Turbo Jam to anyone looking to have a good time while they workout!
Chalene is so much fun to work out with on the videos. She does a great job of keeping you motivated and MOVING!
I own a lot of at home work out dvds. This is hands down my favorite. The music is awesome to work out to. I turn it way up and jam away. In the video they deomstrate high impact and low impact versions of each move. this is really nice for me because I have knee problems and the low impact moves don't bother my knees. It is cool that there are women in the video who lost a lot of weight using Turbo Jam. It inspires me while I'm working out. I totally love this program and would recommend it to anyone.
Chalene is super fun and a terrific instructor. She obviously believes in her program and believes that it will work for others.