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Walk Aerobics for Seniors

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Reviews from VideoFitness


This is one of Leslie's earliest videos (I think) from her live at the club series. The set is dark and she has a lot of seniors crammed into the background trying to follow along with her. Has band-type music and she's nonstop chatter. This one doesn't have fancy moves...walk in place, kicks, knees, and side to side. I do this one on my urban rebounder but I think it would be a good workout on the floor as well. the pace picks up fairly quickly and one of the guys in the back clowns around with some arm movements and pretending to hit the guy beside him. she cues lousy..I mean no warning at all but I did ok this 2nd time through 'cause Iknew what she'd do. at one point she starts the move then says never mind go back to walking! I like most of Leslie's workouts and especially the nostalgia of the older ones. She says when we're finished we'll hve done almost the equivalent of a 2 mile brisk walk...seems like it was about 25 min through the cooldown. I wouldn've liked another 5 min or so for a total of 30 but oh well. I'v enever done this one on the floor but Ifeel I got a great workout on the rebounder and think you could on the floor as well due to the pace. also she doe sthe count your pulse thing and multiply by 10 and show sthe chart (was pretty popular in teh 8os/90s I think). overall a good workout. I found mine cheap at Ross and couldn't pass it up for the variety and price.

Instructor Review

Very talkative (and young!) Leslie. Very chatty and laughing a lot. Pathetic at cueing.