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Walk Away the Pounds (book And Dvd)

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Reviews from VideoFitness


This review refers to the hard-cover edition of Leslie's book "Walk Away the Pounds." This edition comes with a one-mile workout dvd which I quite enjoyed.

The book is full of highly readbale success stories from Leslie's fans. I enjoyed browsing these. It also has a workout plan that gives youa daily goal you can meet either with steps, minutes or miles. Week 2 introduces strength work, but the book is quite skimpy on that. It would have been nice if Leslie had included a better strength plan.

The book is nicely laid out and the goals are attainable. There is a chapter geared to advanced users too, but it is brief and suggests little beyond simply doubling what is in the standard plan. If you are a more experienced user, you will be more interested in getting the book for motivation and for the included dvd.

The dvd is one of Leslie's one-mile walks, and I quite enjoyed it. It had better music than the Walk Away the Pounds series. I think I will enjoy using it, and for me, it was worth buying the book (second-hand) to get it.