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Maha Sadhana Level 1

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Reviews from VideoFitness


This is a classical yoga DVD. It has 3 routines for beginngers and 3 routines for intermediates (advanced beginners, since there is a level 2 DVD for real intermediates and advanced students) The menu on the DVD is as follows:

Invocation 3 minutes

Practice beginner 47, 56, 63 minutes

Intermediate 3 different lengths

Deep relaxation

Pranayama 10 minutes

Candle meditation 6 minutes


Spiritual discourse.

What makes the practices different are the lengths of the sun salutations. For example, for the short beginner practice, he does 3 rounds of 12 point salute; in the longer practice he does 8 rounds of 12 point salute.

Since I have only done the beginner practice and viewed the other practices, I can only give my honest opinion on it. Whether you are a beginner or not you will love this practice, especially 1st thing in the morning. The sun salutes are perfect to wake up the body. He then does side strethches, body twist and then a short savasana. Then there are 3 rounds of shoulder stand/plough; fish; forward bend/table top; cobra; bow; half locust; easy bridge; twists. Ends with savasana.

The intermediate practice has sun salutes too but they are more like mini vinyasas as you move thru several poses that are not normally found in the sun salutations. The other poses are dancers pose and some of the same beginner's routine poses. Level 2 is much harder. In fact it is quite a leap from level 1 to level 2

The candle meditation is nice. The spirtual discourse is interesting.

I'll review DVD at a later date when I get around to doing it. It's something to work up to. But note it has a LOT of advanced poses. Also it has 22 minutes of Kirtan with Dharma. I watched about 3 minutes of it. I was disappointed because it was just him singing. The beauty of kirtan is the blending of lots of voices. It didn't work for me.

All in all if you like Classical yoga, which by the way has been around long before Anusara, Bikram,Power yoga, yogilates and all those other made up yoga types,you will love this. Yoga as it should be practiced and taught.

I'm a kundalini yoga person myself and I like this DVD so much that I do it every other day along with my kundalini yoga sets.

Instructor Review

Sweet disposition with a real love for yoga. Has a strong accent and it is sometimes hard to understand him. He's from Brazil but I think he's been here for 40 years or more! I must warn you that he does the poses himself and it takes a moment to get used to a 65 year old man in briefs doing yoga. But he is very adept and agile. No other students in the class. Just him.