Total Body Transfirmation System 5
Reviews from VideoFitness
This dvd contains pink dumbells. The dumbbell handles are 1 lb each and each plate weighs 1 lb. It also comes with 4 dvds:
-Hi Def Sculpt led by Annie Lee. Its a strength dvd that is 46 minutes long with a 25 min express version
-Hard Core Fusion led by Allie Del Rio. Its an aerobic weight training w/o that is 60 min long with a 40 min express version.
-Cardio Overdrive led by Alison Davis. Its mostly cardio but has some strength work in it. Its 46 minutes with a 25 min express version.
-Cardio Party led by Allie Del Rio, Annie Lee, Rebecca Sturkey, and Alison Davis. Each instructor leads a 10 minute cardio only segment. It is 40 minutes long and uses no weights.
This set is my least favorite and least challenging Firm set to date IMO. I do still use the some of the workouts but dont expect really challenging w/o's with this one. Hi Def Sculpt is a good strength only workout that alllows you to heavy up. Hard Core Fusion is a fun AWT w/o-if you can get over Allies baby talk. Cardio Overdrive just didnt click with me. Its immensley popular so it might be just me. It just didnt have enough strength work to do anything w/ but too much that it detracted from the cardio IMO. Cardio Party is nothing special, but a nice enough 40 min cardio w/o.
Annie Lee is stiff and nervous. Rebecca is a good lead. Alison does a good job. Allie has too much babytalk but is still a good lead.