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One On One: Volume 3 #1 - Chest, Back and Balls

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One On One Volume 3 #1 Chest, Back and Balls

This workout is 59 minutes long

Warm up

1. Pull Up X (wide arms, wide legs) Tony does 20

2. Plyometric stability ball push up (hands on stability ball, add a clap at

the top of the push up) Tony does 25

3. Core crunch chin up (chin up, pull knees up to the bar) Tony does 12

4. Two ball push up with side arm balance (hands on two med balls)Tony does 22

5. Lever (hold at the top of a pull up and swing your straight body

forward until it's parallel to the floor!) Tony does 15

6. Four ball push up (both hands and both feet on med balls) Tony

does 30

7. Chin pulls (one pull up grip, one chin up grip, switch hands

every two reps) Tony does 14

8. The possible (feet on stability ball, hands on one med ball)

Tony does 15 push ups

9. L pull ups (hands close in parallel grip, legs straight out in

front so your body is in an L shape) Tony does 13

10. 3 ball plyo push up (line up 3 med balls, push up with hands

on two of them, then push off and land on the third one; one

hand is always on the middle ball) Tony does 20

11. Switch grip pull up (2 chin ups, 2 pull ups, switch every 2)

Tony does 14

12. Elevated stability ball push up (hands on stability ball, feet on

chair) Tony does 20

13. In and outs (1 pull up with hands wide apart, then 1 with them

close together. Tony does them plyo style) Tony does 12

14. Swimmer's push up (hands on 2 med balls, push up and lift

opposite arm and leg) Tony does 10

15. Flip switch pull up (1 pull up, switch to the other side of the

bar and do 1 pull up) Tony does 8

16. Double wide push up (hands on 2 med balls) Tony does 30

17. Double wide pull ups Tony does 11

18. Military push up (feet on stability ball, hands on two med balls)

Tony does 15

19. Towel pull ups (holding two towels) Tony does 10

20. One ball plyo push up (push up with both hands on one med

ball, take hands to floor on either side of ball and push up

again. Tony does them plyo style) Tony does 5


(Tony does this workout barefoot)