Crunch-Free Xtreme Abs
Reviews from VideoFitness
This dvd has two 15 minute crunch free ab routines on it. The set is the same as her Xtreme Timesaver- a really cute little gym set w/ brick walls. The same 2 b/g exercisers appear in this dvd and 1 shows easier modifications. You will need dumbbells for both segments. One section is done standing and the other is a floor routine (still crunchless though!).
I welcome any non-traditional ab work and this fits that bill perfectly. 1st, I have neck issues and endless crunches aggrevate my neck. 2: I get bored of doing the same thing over & over. 3: mix up the work and get better results.
Standing Abs: Loved this section! Im a huge fan of standing ab work and this was no dissapointment! It is nonstop and you will def feel it by the end of the 15 minuts. You will do moves such as an overhead pulldown, knee pulls, a press out w/ a leg extensions, a lunge w/ a crunch, a laundry bag over the shoulder type move w/ the dumbbells, a kettlebell-esque squat to swing move, torso twist, and other unique and effective standing ab work. While this isnt a cardio w/o- it is definately active.
Floor Abs: You start in a kneeling position and do some toe taps and twisting. Then you put your dumbbell (I used a weighted ball) between your knees and do some oblique work, scissor kicks, twisting side planks, a V sit toe touch, arm swimmers while holding dumbbells, modified burpees, plank w/ leg lifts, plank jacks, and supermans.
I would rate this a high intermediate ab routine. It is nonstop and I def felt it the next day. I really like Jackie and her physique is beyond inspiring! Madison is one of the b/g'ers and I like her too. Jackie walks around and gives nice form poitners and shows us how to make the moves more challenging. I think anyone can find a spot for this w/o in their collection. The moves are different from the other ab w/o's I have. I received this dvd to review from Anchor Bay