High Reps
Reviews from VideoFitness
I really enjoy this workout, though it is probably overkill in terms of how many reps are done for each exercise, especially upper body. But with a name like High Reps, that should be expected, I guess ;)
The production quality of High Reps is excellent: clear picture, nice colors, set, outfits. The music is not what I would pick to listen to around the house or in my car, but it is great music for a workout and I prefer it to a lot of the music on Cathe's newer workouts. It is peppy and works really well with the exercises. I'm pretty sure the music is covers of popular songs--but with the lyrics changed somewhat. Since I'm not familiar with those popular songs I don't find that annoying, but I'm sure that could be a problem for some...
I've done the upper body workout on its own, the lower body on it's own, the workout as is, and the scrambled premix. The scrambled premix is especially nice, in that the leg work is broken up in a way that doesn't make me want to puke in a bucket after completing it :) If any one section seems too long, it's easy to simply stop when you've had enough. The workout goes pretty quickly. I tend to not do all the tricep or chest work, as I find those particularly high in the rep category.
Cathe seems like her old self in this workout--sort of a return of the Intensity Series Cathe. She seems relaxed, well rested, not over tanned, calm but not boring... She seems like she's having fun, basically, and her instruction is good.
Equipment: light-moderate dumbbells, a barbell (w/ light-moderate loads), sliding/gliding discs (or paper plate), flat (long) resistance band (medium tension, light could work, too).
Cathe leads w/ 5 background exercisers (two of the new ones, from Cathe's Road trip auditions). The newbies had good form, and did well (did not appear very nervous).
Set: neat, same one used in Cathe's workouts (view of a downtown area).
Music: there is an option to only play Cathe's voice or both her voice & music. Each song plays for a couple of exercises, and seems similar to the music that Cathe uses for her other workouts (I liked some of the songs, others were okay).
The muscle groups worked for the sequence (Legs, Back, Biceps, Triceps, Shoulders, abs/core), exercises performed & equipment used are displayed on the screen, but there is no timer for seconds or rep counts. All workouts are chaptered well.
I have used the Full workout, Upper Body & lower body premixes, and like them (solid high rep, low-no weight workouts). They are high reps, but w/ the different tempo changes & variations on exercises, it doesn't feel like you're doing endless reps. I plan to use the Upper & Lower Body premixes often (like the time frame).
Full workout (64 min.)
Warm-Up (6 min.): uses barbell w/ light load (body bar or light dumbbells could sub)
Shoulder rolls> shoulder shrugs> Deadlifts w/ 3 second lower:1 second lift tempo> 2 sec.:2 sec.tempo> Upright rows 2: 2 count> 3:1 count> Deadlift row (DL>row>return to starting position)>add triple rows.
Shoulder rolls> overhead press (bar held in front of body) 3:1 count> 1: 3 count> 2:2 count> Squats (bar behind head, rests on shoulders) 3 sec. lower: 1 sec. lift> 2:2 count> single reps.
Rear static lunge- 2: 2 count> 3:1 count> singles> repeat sequence on other side> lower barbell into front of body, underhand grip.
Biceps curls- 4:4 count> 2: 2 count> repeat sequence.
Work portion
Segment uses barbell, two 8 lb. dumbbells
Barbell squats: 4:4 count> 2:2 count> singles> Slow & Low (4 partial reps/bottom half, lift up)> singles, 16 reps> 2:2 count> 3:1 count> static hold 3 sec. in lowered position, 1 sec. lift> singles, 16 reps> rest.
Plie barbell squats (bar held in front of body, underhand grip): 2:2 count> 3:1 count> 1:3 count> Slow & low> pulses in lowered position, 7 reps, repeat once> singles, 8 reps> rest.
Hover Squats (w/ two 8 lb. dumbbells, held in front of body): pulses in lowered position of squat, 15 reps, 1 count lift to stand, then repeat twice> singles, 8 reps.
Shoulders: uses band, barbell & two 5 & 8 dumbbells.
Barbell Overhead press (front of body) 2 sec. lift: 2 sec lower> Singles> sec. lift: 3 sec. lower> 2:2 count> 1:3 count> 2:2 count> 1:1 count bottom half (partial range of motion) reps, then upper half reps> 3:1 count.
Barbell (or dumbbell) Wide Grip Upright row: cue for bar lift to mid-chest level 2:2 count> 3 sec. lift: 1 sec. lower> 1:1 top half reps> 4:4 count> 2:2 count> singles.
Lateral raise (uses dumbbells): 2: 2 count> partial reps (4 reps, lower to starting position, repeat)> 8 count rest.
Rear delt raises (uses dumbbells): 2:2 count> partial reps (top half)< singles.
Band Pulls (band held equal distance between hands in front of body, elbows bent, palms face up, pulling band to sides> 8 single reps> triple pulls> isometric hold.
Back: uses barbell, band & 5 lb. dumbbells
Overhand Grip Barbell Rows: 3 rows, return to starting position, 6 times.
One Arm rows w/DB & band (uses 5 lb. dumbbell & chair for hand to rest on, opposite leg to arm rowing steps on band, band is held between dumbbell & hand): 16 reps> rest>repeat on other side.
Underhand Grip Barbell Rows: 3 rows, return starting position, 6 times.
One Arm Rows: start w/ opposite arm (from previous time), 16 reps> rest, repeat on other side
Y's (w/ band): seated on floor, w/ band looped around both feet and held equal distance in hands, crossed at top. Arms pull up & back, they form a Y, 16 reps> rest.
T's, arms form T,16 reps> static hold> stretch.
Legs (uses barbell, two 20 lb. dumbbells)
Static Barbell Lunges (bar held in back): 3:1 count> 2:2 count> 3:1count> singles> Slow & Low> 3:1 count> rest> repeat on other side.
Deadlifts (uses two 20 lb. dumbbells): 2:2 count> 3:1 count> 2: 2 count> lower 4, lift 2, lower 2> lift 4 counts, lower 2, lift 2, repeat once.
Calf raises (uses same weight as DLs: singles, max reps> static hold at top of exercise.
Biceps (uses band, barbell & two 5 & 12 lb. dumbbells)
Dumbbell curl w/ band: uses light pair of dumbbells w/ band (one foot steps on it & both hands hold band between dumbbells) 3:1 count> 1:3 count>1:1 partial reps/bottom half> upper half> 1:3 count.
Hammer curls (uses heavier pair of dumbbells): 2:2 count> 3:1 count, repeat once.
Barbell curls: 2:2 count> bottom half/partial reps> upper half> 1:3 count> 3:1 count> stretch (arms to side, palms face back).
Triceps: uses mat, band, two 5 & 8 lb. dumbbells
Overhead extension (French press): uses 8 lb. dumbbells. 4:4 count> partial reps in lowered position (4 reps, then return to starting position)> 2:2 count> partial reps.
Double Arm Triceps Kickbacks (w band): singles> pulse at top, 3 reps> 2:2 count> singles> partials reps> quick stretch.
Lying triceps extension: uses 5 lb. dumbbells. 2:2 count> 4:4 count, repeat once. 3:1 count> 4:4 count> partial reps/bottom half> 4:4 count> static hold 4 secs> partial reps/upper half> 4:4 count.
Dips (w/ hands on dumbbells, 5 lbs.): bent knees, > right leg extended in air> both legs> left leg extended> both legs< static hold.
Disc Lunges (uses gliding/sliding disc or paper plate)
4 reps each/2:2 count Back slide lunge (reverse) lunge, arms at hips> Warrior arms (overhead arms)> Extended Warrior arms (chest comes over thigh, head looks down) w/ lowering of exercise> rest> repeat on other side.
Cross-back (curtsy) lunge w/ hands on hips, 8 reps each/2:2 count, 8 reps> add arms to same side as leg lunging for counterbalance, 3 pulses in lowered position & 1 count lift w/ arm sweep to opposite side.
Side lunge, 2 reps hands on hips, 2 w/ arm reach forward, singles, 8 reps> repeat on other side> stretch.
Chest: uses mat, two 8 or 10 lb. dumbbells
Push-ups: 8 reps> 12 reps fast pace> quick rest> repeat
Chest flies 3:1 count> 4 count lower, 5 partials/bottom half, 2 count lift, repeat once> 3:1 count> partials.
Push-ups: 2:2 count, 4 reps> rest, repeat twice> stretch.
Abs/core: uses mat.
Crunches, 8 reps> fast pulses, 16 reps (hands reach for top of knees)> climb the rope & slide (4 counts to lift up into seated position, 4 counts to lower down w/ straight arms), 2 reps> fast pulses, repeat> roll-ups w/ straight legs (into seated position & down into supine, arms reach overhead w/ lift) 4 reps> fast pulses> climb the rope & slide> roll-ups> in & outs (bent knees/pull in w/ upper body leaning back, straight legs push out w/ more upright body), 8 reps> side in & outs, slower pace, 4 reps side> repeat on other side> repeats
Bicycles, 16 reps> slow pace for static holds> holds w/ arms next to body> holds w/ arms on knees> holds w/ legs in L, arms next to body> static hold w/ bent knees, upper body crunches w/ arms next to body (3) into straight leg extension w/ overhead arms, 3 times> straight leg extension w/ swimmer arms (fan overhead and to the side), 8 reps.
Body is supine, w/ bent knees, arms to side, static hold> lying hamstring stretch> lying glute stretch> repeat on other leg> from glut stretch position, roll up & bring butt closer to knee, chest up, arms held to the back/palms face the back, repeat on other side> seated w/ crossed-legs, reach both arms forward (hinge at hips, head & upper body fold over)> seated position, rotate to side (one hand in back, one on knee), repeat on other side> same stretch w/ bottom leg straightened, top leg is crosses over bottom, both sides> double hamstring stretch w/ flexed feet, then pointed feet> straddle> side straddle (one leg bent, one straight), both sides> move into calf stretch (balls of feet on floor, hands on floor, upper body rests on knees)> straighten legs for standing hamstring stretch (arms are crosses by head)> forward bend: straighten arms w/ clasped hands together in back> roll up & arms overhead.
Premixes (will just list the exercises, as the exercise breakdowns are posted above)
Upper Body Only (39:14 min.)
Barbell Overhead press
Barbell (or dumbbell) Wide Grip Upright row
Lateral raise (uses dumbbells)
Rear delt raises (uses dumbbells)
Band Pulls
Biceps: uses band, barbell & two 5 & 12 lb. dumbbells
Dumbbell curl w/ band
Hammer curls (uses heavier pair of dumbbells)
Barbell curls
Overhead extension (French press)
Double Arm Triceps Kickbacks
Lying triceps extension
Dips (w/ hands on dumbbells, 5 lbs.)
Chest flies
Lower Body Only (34:36 min.)
Barbell squats
Plie barbell squats
Hover Squats
Static Barbell Lunges
Calf raises (uses same weight as DLs: singles, max reps> static hold at top of exercise.
Back slide lunge (reverse) lunge
Cross-back (curtsy) lunge
Side lunge
Full: Upper Body First (64:38 min.):
Barbell Overhead press
Barbell (or dumbbell) Wide Grip Upright row
Rear delt raises
Band Pulls
Overhand Grip Barbell Rows
One Arm rows w/DB & band
Underhand Grip Barbell Rows
One Arm Rows: start w/ opposite arm (from previous time)
Y's (w/ band)
T's (w/ band)
Dumbbell curl w/ band
Hammer curls
Barbell curls
Overhead extension (French press)
Double Arm Triceps Kickbacks
Lying triceps extension
Chest flys
Barbell squats
Plie barbell squats
Hover Squats
Static Barbell Lunges
Calf raises
Back slide lunge (reverse) lunge.
Cross-back (curtsy) lunge
Side lunge
Full: Lower Body First (64:38 min.)
Barbell squats
Plie barbell squats
Hover Squats
Static Barbell Lunges
Calf raises
Back slide lunge (reverse) lunge.
Cross-back (curtsy) lunge
Side lunge
Barbell Overhead press
Barbell (or dumbbell) Wide Grip Upright row
Rear delt raises
Band Pulls
Overhand Grip Barbell Rows
One Arm rows w/DB & band
Underhand Grip Barbell Rows
One Arm Rows: start w/ opposite arm (from previous time)
Y's (w/ band)
T's (w/ band)
Dumbbell curl w/ band
Hammer curls
Barbell curls
Overhead extension (French press)
Double Arm Triceps Kickbacks
Lying triceps extension
Chest flies
Scrambled (64:58 min)
Barbell squats
Plie barbell squats
Hover Squats
Overhand Grip Barbell Rows
One Arm rows w/DB & band
Underhand Grip Barbell Rows
One Arm Rows: start w/ opposite arm (from previous time)
Y's (w/ band)
T's (w/ band)
Dumbbell curl w/ band
Hammer curls
Barbell curls
Static Barbell Lunges
Calf raises
Barbell Overhead press
Barbell (or dumbbell) Wide Grip Upright row
Rear delt raises
Band Pulls
Overhead extension (French press)
Double Arm Triceps Kickbacks
Lying triceps extension
Disc Lunges (uses gliding/sliding disc or paper plate)
Back slide lunge (reverse) lunge.
Cross-back (curtsy) lunge
Side lunge
Chest flies
Cathe has a pleasant personality, and provides clear instruction & cues.