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RevAbs Total Strength

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Reviews from VideoFitness


This is a 44 min. total body resistance workout, mostly 15 reps per exercise (4 counts, 2 for lift, 2 lower) that incorporates short athletic cardio sequences (jumping jacks & punches) at the end of each round. There are 3 rounds w/ the same exercises, but the subsequent rounds have variations on some of the rep schemes, pace & modifications to increase the intensity. The last round, called the "spice round" has the more challenging variations on the exercises.

There are 3 background exercisers, with one demoing low impact/intensity modifications (she also demos the band variations). They mug it up for the camera, at times (winking, whooping) w/ this RA hand gesture (two fingers form a V, and it thumps the chest). Brett does demo the exercises, perform some w/ the background exercisers, and walks around to point out form on the others.

Equipment: dumbbells or resistance bands

Set: simple & neat, mostly grey colors w/ just the equipment & cast.

I think that the resistance workouts are the best of the RevAbs workout. I liked the resistance exercises, sequencing of, variations in each round, and that the workouts can be modified for time constraints (just complete 1-2 rounds for a short or light day workout) or for more intensity: perform all round w/ the Spice round variations and/or add another round.

The negatives of this workout: the music is canned, but Brett acts like it is custom, very bumping music (better to play your own music, mute the workout), punch combos feel repetitive (could have added some kicks to the cardio sections or burpees or other athletic cardio exercise), not much capoeira exercises (just balanca in the w/u & c/d) and Brett can be really cheesy at times (feels like he is trying to channel Tony Horton).


Side Step w/ alternating single arm sweep

Balanca: legs in lowered squat position/bent knees, alternate shifting from side to side. Elbows are bent w/ arms held horizontally in front of body, and w/ hands facing each other, bottom hand palm up, upper hand is palm down. With each side shift, the hands change (bottom hand moves to top & top moves to bottom).

Alternating side lunge> side lunge hold/adductor stretch> alternate runner's lunge w/ bent inner elbow and pyramid pose> standing hip flexor stretch w/ overhead arms (palms up, fingers face each other)> same position w/ lower body w/ angling upper body & arms to side for stretch.

Bent knees, hands on thighs, flat back w/ alternating torso rotation & shoulder drops.

Repeat sequence on other side> inhale/flat back to squat, then exhale/round back & head to roll up> jumping jacks (quarter turn to face four directions, 4 reps all sides, 1st round turning to the right, 2nd round turning to the left, 8 reps front, 4 reps all other sides> 8 reps front.

Round 1

Dumbbell lunge: 8 reps each side. Reverse lunge w/ dumbbells are "front-loaded," held together on upper part of chest (engages abs & upper back). Modification: static reverse lunge.

Push-ups: 15 reps

Front squat: 15 reps of 4 count squat (2 for lift & lower) w/ "front-loaded" position of dumbbells.

Bent-over row: 15 reps, of double arm w/ wide grip.

Booty Bridge: static hip raise w/ pullover. Modification for band users: sub dumbbells or bodyweight. Modification to increase intensity: rest on heels for hip raise, not have flat feet on floor.

Punch Combo: Jumping jacks (same sequence in four directions)> 8 jabs/right> 8 crosses w/left/back arm> High-low w/ back arm(2 crosses, 1 w/ body in high position & 1 low/lunge position), 8 reps> both arms fast punches, 4 reps, jump switch to change stance of legs, 3 times> repeat on other side> jumping jacks sequence.

Mercy: water break

Round 2: same exercise but some have different rep schemes, pace, and/or have a tip to modify up to increase intensity.

Dumbbell lunge: 2 rounds of 8 reps each side. Reverse lunge w/ dumbbells are "front-loaded," held together on upper part of chest (engages abs & upper back). Modification: static reverse lunge.

Push-ups: 15 reps, cued place feet close together for more challenge.

Front squat: 15 reps of 4 count squat (2 for lift & lower) w/ "front-loaded" position of dumbbells.

Bent-over row: 15 reps, of 4 count double arm w/ wide grip. Cued place feet closer together for more challenge.

Booty Bridge: static hip raise w/ pullover, 15 reps. Modification for band users: sub dumbbells or bodyweight. Modification to increase intensity: rest on heels for hip raise, not have flat feet on floor.

Punch Combo: Jumping jacks (same sequence in four directions)> 2 fast jabs/right, 8 times> 2 fast crosses w/left/back arm, 8 times> high- low punches w/ both arms (1 jab & cross w/ body in high position & low/lunge position) 8 reps> both arms fast punches, 4 reps, jump switch to change stance of legs, 3 times> repeat on other side> jumping jacks sequence.

Mercy: water break

Round 3/Spice

Dumbbell lunge: Reverse lunge w/ "front-loaded" dumbbells. 8 reps each side, then 8 reps each side w/ overhead press added to top of lift.

Push-ups: Push-up into side plank, alternate sides, 8 reps each side.

Front squat: squat w/ "front-loaded" position of dumbbells w/ overhead press at top of lift, 15 reps.

Bent-over row: 15 reps, of double arm, wide grip, w/ feet together/narrow stance (and optional placing folded towel between knees for isometric contraction focus on inner thighs w/ lift of exercise).

Booty Bridge: alternate single-leg hip raise w/ pull-over (one leg is static, other extends w/ lift of pull-over).

Punch Combo: Jumping jacks (same sequence in four directions)> 3 fast jabs/right, 8 times> 3 fast crosses w/left/back arm, 8 times> (3 fast punches: 2 jabs, 1 cross) high- low w/ back arm, 8 times> both arms fast punches, 4 reps, jump switch to change stance of legs, 3 times> repeat on other side> jumping jacks sequence.


Side Step w/ alternating single arm sweep>balanca> alternating side lunges> static hold side lunge>runner's lunge> hip flexor stretch w/ arms overhead> Bent knees, hands on thighs, flat back w/ alternating torso rotation & shoulder drops> repeat on other side> inhale/flat back to squat, then exhale/round back & head to roll up> arms overhead in standing position.

Instructor Review

Brett gives good form pointers & instructions, and is clearly knowledgable but acts really cheesy/overly goofy in this workout. Nothing wrong w/ the lightening the mood, but it did seem forced (not convinced he would train people in real life and act like that, doing cartwheels around people & saying his cheesy comments).