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MD Fitness: The Doctor's Workout

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Reviews from VideoFitness


This contains 3 45 minute circuit training workouts, each disc more challenging than the next. The Kleemans work out together in a nice gym set. You will need dumbbells for these workouts. Each workout features 5 cycles that are repeated 2 times each. The dvds contain a music only option.

Workout 1: After a warmup exercises include low impact ham curls, modified pushups, bird dog, hi knee march, delt raise, unweighted lunges, knee to elbow crunches, low jacks, alternating military press, plank, bench press, unweighted squats, deadlift & hammer curls, modified side plank, low skater, side shuffle, alternating tricep press, bridge, and a cooldown & stretch.

Workout 2: After a warmup exercises include slow buttkicks, bi curls, pushups, planks, swimmers, slow hi knee hops, side arm raises, unweighted lunges, bikes, slow jacks, military press, chest press & fly, jump rope, unweighted squats, deadlift & hammer curls, skaters, side shuffles, tricep kickbacks, bridge & leg raises, and a cooldown & stretch.

Workout 3: After a warmup exercises include jogging, buttkicks, bi curls, pushups, supermans, side to front raises, weighted lunges, bicycle, jump rope, jacks, military press, chest press & fly, plank, weighted squats & front raise, deadlift & hammer curls, side plank, speed skater, shuffle & floor touch, tri kickbacks, single leg bridge, and a cooldown & stretch.

I rate these workouts beginner, low intermediate and solid intermediate routines that are perfect for someone new to exercise. The set allows you to grow with the routines and they increase poundage in each routine. I really liked the Kleemans and their instruction style. They provide excellent tips and form pointers. The exercises are straight forward, not overly complex, and there is no wasted time. I enjoyed the pace & find the routines very well rounded. I received these dvds for review.