Operation Tonergy: Lethal Ladders
Reviews from VideoFitness
Nikki does not lead this workout but is in the group working hard with 4 others, one showing easier modifications. You will need dumbbells for a few exercises. You will perform 2 exercises from 1 up to 10 reps each followed by a one minute rest, and then move on to the next set of 2 exercises. This strength ladder is mostly body weight with some dumbbell exercises and some cardio. You will need to add on your own warm up & cool down.
Exercise sets include: kneeling shoulder press & pushups, bear crawl pushups & 1/2 burpees, plank jack pushups & kneeling rows, V crunch & v toe reaches, plyo lunges & burpee plank jacks, kneeling french press & tri pushups, and burpee & plyo plies.
I rate this an advanced workout, but not insane-level advanced. They provide enough breaks to let you recover and continue to give it your all. There is no wasted time and the instructor provides good form pointers. You will work your tris, chest, back, shoulders, and core in this routine- a total of 55 reps per exercise by the time you reach the top of the ladder! I used 5-8 lbs and def felt the burn. The instructor does a great job of not going from floor to standing as she has you do kneeling exercises- genius. I received this DVD to review.