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If you're interested in trying step aerobics, you have several excellent options:

Leslie Sansone's Basic Stepping. This video is probably the easiest introductory step video, and would be an excellent choice for older exercisers, those who need very simple choreography, or those who haven't exercised since the 1970's.

Step Reebok: the Video with Gin Miller. Gin invented step aerobics, and she expertly demonstrates stepping basics and safety. The video features an MTV-style set and a live band.

Kathy Smith's Step Workout. Kathy teaches you the basics of stepping throughout the workout and in a Q&A section at the end. The video consists of three segments, allowing you to gradually ease into a longer step workout as you get more fit. Beginners can start with just one segment, then fast forward to the cooldown. The video also contains a strength training segment at the end.