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Video Fitness Success Stories

  Read about our reader Success Stories in Progress
Small Changes Add Up Over the Years:
It took ten years, but Laura S. has hit her goal.
Joanna C:
Joanna always considered herself unathletic--getting fitter has made her realize that other challenges are not beyond her reach
Lost and Found:
Tammy Churchman finds her way back from sickness to health.
Bouncing Back After Six Kids:
Mandy Lee tells us how videos helped her regain her shape.
Born to Run:
Video Fitness Editor Wendy Niemi Kremer's story
  A Single Mom in the Military:
Tanya Lawrence's describes how videos have helped her get fit despite many demands on her time.
  Beating the "On & Off" Exercising:
Jennifer Duffin finally finds the right fitness prescription.
  Modeling Career vs. Health and Sanity:
Video Fitness readers help Amy Dolbert realize that her health is more important than the "waif look."
  Fitness 101: A Collegiate Success Story:
Jennifer Carr tells how she battled to keep the infamous "Freshman 15" at bay.

  A Yo-Yo Dieter's Lessons about Living:
Mare tried for years to conquer excess pounds by dieting. Guess what happened when she finally stopped focusing on food?

  The Road to Good Health:
After years of struggling with weight-related health problems, Nancy Gillingham took control of her health with a little help from Richard Simmons.

  Working Moms Find Time for Exercise Videos:
Trish Ransom and Debbie Kenny share their experiences and tips.

How to submit your own Success Story