20 Minute Body - Trilogy 3
Reviews from VideoFitness
For more information about Brett Hoebel or about the 20 Minute Body program in general please read my review of Primal Movements - Trilogy 1.
BPS Workouts & Stretch - Trilogy 3
This bonus disc is included in the 20 Minute Body program, trilogy 3. It has 3 different 10 minute workouts that are meant to supplement the 20 Minute Body program. BPS stands for Body Part Specific. There are two BPS workouts and one stretch workout. Since these are add on workouts there are no warm ups or cool downs.
Main Menu - BPS Chest & Abs (English subtitles, Spanish subtitles), BPS Booty & Abs (English subtitles, Spanish subtitles), Stretch (English subtitles, Spanish subtitles)
Set, Music, and Exercisers -The set is nice, light, and airy looking. There are some 20 Minute Body banners on the back wall and it's not cluttered looking and the exercisers aren't too close together. The music is instrumental and I can't recall it at all which means it was neither really good nor really bad. I do remember that it helped pace the workout nicely. Brett works out with 4 women who are all wearing athletic tops and bottoms. No one is noticeably mugging for the camera or acting in an obnoxious fashion.
BPS Chest & Abs (10:43)
Equipment - a mat if working out on a hardwood floor or slick surface, water and towel are required. There are several different equipment options shown in the workout so you can pick if you'll use dumbbells, tubing, or body weight to perform the workout.
Main workout - There are 4 exercises in this workout, 2 chest exercises, then 2 ab exercises. The work to rest ratio is 1 minute work/15 seconds of rest or transition. Each time you complete the 4 exercises is a round. You do two rounds total. In the second round the moves are done single time.
The exercises are below.
Chest exercises : chest flys, chest press (dumbbells), standing chest fly, chest press (tubing), push-ups, in out planks (bodyweight).
Ab exercises : sit up/side plank/Martello kick, sit up w/ twisting knee pull.
BPS Booty & Abs (11:00)
Equipment - a mat if working out on a hardwood floor or slick surface, water and a towel are required. One weight may be used for one of the ab exercises and is not necessary.
Main workout - There are 4 exercises in this workout, 2 booty exercises, then 2 ab exercises. The work to rest ratio is 1 minute work/15 seconds of rest or transition. Each time you complete the 4 exercises is a round. You do two rounds total. In the second round the moves are done single time or progressed.
The exercises are below.
Glute exercises : single legged glute bridge (switch legs at 30 seconds), all 4 side kick/donkey kick.
Ab exercises : sit up to push kick, single legged jack knife.
Stretch (10:27)
Equipment - yoga mat is the only equipment needed.
Main workout : deep breaths, forward fold, hamstring low lunge, hip flexor, twisting low lunge, chest opener, all fours arm thread, cat/cow w/fingers pointing back, child's pose, kneeling chaturanga, shoulder stretch, cobra, child's pose, down dog, pigeon variation, seated spinal twist, cross legged forward fold, seated side stretch, seated back stretch.
Overall Impressions: Because these are add on workouts they are all less intense than the other workouts in the 20 Minute Body program, making them suitable for beginner to intermediate exercisers. The short length and choice of exercises will leave advanced exercisers underwhelmed. In the 20 Minute Body rotation you are meant to do all of these workouts together as sort of a recovery day. The BPS workouts do work the muscle groups designated in the titles and aren't brutal. The stretch workout is relaxing and incorporates more upper body stretches than the cool down/stretch at the end of the regular 20 Minute Body workouts. I enjoyed these workouts as recovery type workouts.
Brett is calm and focused in these short workouts, probably because he doesn't have the time to get amped up. He does walk around from time to time showing the variations everyone is doing. His talk is on doing what you can do and how we are all different in terms of our strength and flexibility. He's enjoyable in these workouts.