30 Minutes to Fitness: Meltdown
Reviews from VideoFitness
I am a big fan of Kelly Coffey-Meyer and have always liked her boxing routines. This DVD uses a heavy bag, but I read that the bag was not required, so I decided to borrow the DVD from my library. Like all of the DVDs in this series, Meltdown offers two 30-minute workouts plus a variety of premixes, all of which I will review. The Main Menu includes Introduction - Workout One - Workout Two - Premixes - Credits - Music On/Off.
WORKOUT ONE (27:35 mins)
For the first routine, Kelly is working out alone; she states that she is both your trainer and your fitness partner for this metabolic strength routine. The workout uses an optional kettlebell (for opening swings only; dumbbells can be substituted), dumbbells, and a supposedly optional barbell--I found that the barbell was NOT optional here given the types of lifts that Kelly was doing. Kelly also uses a bench.
This is a circuit-style strength workout. There are a total of 8 exercises in the circuit (both dumbbell and barbell), each performed for 1 minute or 10 reps. The circuit is performed three times total. The routine starts with a warm-up (3.5 mins) that is typical for Kelly's workouts. The exercises in the circuit are as follows: 1) swings, 2) v-sit dumbbell pass (core), 3) seated bent over rows/bicep curls, 4) lying bench press/skull crusher, 5) donkey kicks over bench, 6) barbell cleans, 7) barbell overhead thrust, and 8) barbell front squats. Kelly concludes with a 2-minute stretch.
Unfortunately, I really did not like this workout. Kelly moves too fast for my liking, and I also did not like all of the equipment changes and up/down from the floor. I usually especially like Kelly's strength workouts, so this was a surprise miss for me.
WORKOUT TWO (28:17 mins)
Kelly calls this routine "tabata boxing." She follows the tabata format by doing boxing moves for 20 seconds followed by a 10 second rest; she also adds mini cardio bursts between rounds. Kelly and one background exerciser are using a heavy bag, while a second background exerciser (Sam) is shadow boxing. I used my 1-lb weighted gloves and found out that I did in fact get a great workout without the bag!
The routine starts with a warm-up (3:39 mins) that is again typical of Kelly's workouts, adding some boxing moves. The six rounds break down roughly as follows:
1) jab-duck, add double jack/duck and fast jabs; squat shuffle/lateral hops
2) jab-cross, add jab/cross fast plus shuffle; run with high knees
3) hooks, add alternating hooks with slip, faster speed; mountain climbers
4) jab-cross-hook-hop, add 6 jab-cross/1 hook and repeated jab-cross-hook-cross; jumping jacks
5) uppercut, add opposite uppercut, plus flurry/shuffle; jump switch
6) double jab-hook, add alternating uppercuts and fast jab-hook-upper; jump rope
Kelly concludes with about a 3-minute stretch.
This workout is less creative and more drill-style than some of Kelly's other boxing routines, but I enjoyed it!
Combined Workouts (54:14)
Meltdown Mix Up (36:46)
Dumbbell Meltdown (43:00)
Barbell Meltdown (33:30)
Mini Lift (14:45)
Meltdown No Barbell (21:15)
Total Meltdown (36:33)
Dumbbell and Boxing Meltdown (30:58)
Barbell and Boxing Meltdown (31:08)
Given that I didn't like the first workout at all, I am no longer interested in purchasing this DVD. Those who do have a barbell at home certainly may feel differently from me! However, I did enjoy the boxing routine and would love to see Kelly do more like this; those who do have a heavy bag are apt to enjoy the second workout.
I like Kelly's easygoing, down-to-earth demeanor. Surprisingly, I haven't liked her DVDs where she is exercising alone as much as when she in front of the group--her great rapport with her background exercisers seems to add to the fun of the workout.