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The Firm: Rock It Off

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Reviews from VideoFitness


This is a 40 minute AWT (aerobic weight training) workout led by Alison with 4 background exercisers-Emily provides the beginner modifications. The set is a nice blue set with 2 levels of platforms that the ladies exercise on. You will need the Wave and dumbbells for this workout. The dvd also has a 20 min express premix and a 25 min cardio only premix. Though the cardio premix contains a short strength & ab set at the end.

This is by far, my favorite Wave workout. Alison does a nice job with it. You start off with a nice cardio set on the stable side of the Wave that will get your heartrate up nicely. Especially if you do jump & touch the entire time. Other cardio segments are done using the unstable side of the Wave including rocking on the Wave, carving the Wave (fast feet/ football shuffle), and basic step moves on the rocking side of the Wave. You will also step over and around the Wave and do some floor cardio: hamstring curls, grapevines, side steps, etc.

Some of the strength moves include a cool "laundry bag toss" over the shoulder move, rocking deadlifts w/ a row, squats, dips, and lunges off the Wave, upper body work, pec fly with bridge, and a quick but fun ab section at the end. I like using the Wave for chest work like pec fly and bench press-it works like the TF on the incline but is easier to set up.

I would rate this a solid intermediate workout especially if you up the intensity and poundage. I would advise starting w/ a little bit lighter poundage on the Wave until you master it and then increasing to your normal poundage-this worked for me. I have also found the w/o's get better and more challenging the more I use them, so if you have the Wave-stick w/ it-I think it will grow on you.