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Hula Workout for Beginners

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Reviews from VideoFitness


Although this is a relatively short workout (40 min including warm-up and cool down), it can feel strenuous by the time you get to the end because of the hip moves and being in a slight squat position throughout (bent knees and bent hips with your back straight). Kili described the workout that you are about to do as "Hula Dance and Fitness moves" and "Hula Rock - a modern version of the hula." The ISBN for this workout is 743457171625. Kili wears a beautiful 2-piece orchid-colored outfit during the main workout.

At the beginning of the workout (total of 2 min), the names of the 7 hula moves are shown with Kili briefly executing each move.

- kaholo (2 steps to the right, 2 steps to the left)

- ka'o (lift heel and hip on one side with other foot grounded, alternate with other side)

- 'uniu (figure 8 motion with hips)

- hela (one foot is placed at about a 45-degree angle to the front/side with the weight on the opposite hip and the knees bent; the foot is then returned to the original position and the step is repeated with the other foot)

- 'uwehe (a quick move where your legs form a diamond shape and quickly move back to a straight-legged position)

- ami (slow hip circle)

- kawelu (alternating forward and back step with one foot while the "standing" leg's knee is bent)

The ka'o move was a very excellent standing hip stretch! 'Uwehe was challenging to me because it required some coordination in the sequence presented in this workout; I'm used to doing 'uwehe with kaholo.

After the first 2 minutes that named the moves, Kili does an excerpt of the song "Hula Rock Mama" for 2 minutes where you can see a fluid performance of the moves. You can march in place during this 4 min period or skip to the beginning of the workout. You'll get to do the whole song at the end of the workout.

During the main workout, Kili works out alone and narrates in "voiceover" mode. She mirror cues. It's filmed outdoors on Maui with the ocean behind her. She works out on a grassy area and does all of the moves on a square, woven, lauhala mat, barefooted.

In the main workout, the music is more contemporary and upbeat. She instructs all of the moves to instrumental music and at the end, you do all of the moves to a song entitled "Hula Rock Mama" with vocals that match the moves you just learned. This song is a modern country-style tune with a good beat. In addition to the hula moves, there are contemporary dance moves: heel-toe, mashed-potato hops, straight-leg kicks, and short lunges. She does a good warm-up and cool-down. The cool-down includes gentle conventional stretches.

There's a bonus performance segment: a slow, graceful, and peaceful hula dance to a song with vocals entitled "Maunalua Bay" and lasts for 3:50 minutes. This bonus segment uses different moves than what was featured in the workout and is in fact easier than the workout. No instruction is provided during the bonus segment - it's more for entertainment purposes, but you can certainly follow along. Kili does this alone closer to the ocean after sunset.

There's also a preview of Hula Workout for Weight Loss. Both the Bonus performance and preview are accessible from the "Special Features" selection on the main menu.

Ernie Schultz and Linda Shelton are the producer and director for Natural Journeys for this video.

Instructor Review

Kili is an authentic representation of a modern hula dancer. She is extremely fit, slim and agile, yet graceful. She speaks clearly and has an upbeat and encouraging demeanor. The moves are demonstrated clearly. She was a performer in the award-winning production 'Ulalena on Maui.