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iTread, Set 5, 20 minutes

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Release Year

Reviews from VideoFitness

Lisa C

Length: 20 min

~ Warm-up, slowly increasing pace (5 min)

~ Increase pace - flat, steady (2 min)

~ Faster, by .2-.3 (3 min)

~ Hill 3%, reduce pace (1:30)

~ Faster 0% (1:30)

~ repeat hill (2 min)

~ 0%, increase pace by .1 every minute (4 min)

I like this one, probably because it is mostly steady state with only tiny hills. It seems slightly easier than other 20 minute workouts - that means I can mostly keep up with Grace's suggested jogging pace. That is rare for me and the iTreads. With the 20 minute workouts I like to push myself since I know it is so short.

I think there are only 4 songs in this one and two I've heard in other iTrains. The first song was new to me though, and I liked it. It was a little soft, but motivated me for some reason.