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Kettlebell Kickboxing

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Reviews from VideoFitness

Laura S

Today, I started on my fourth week of using this series. I do three of the workouts; Power, Longevity, and Strength; every week and alternate them with easy/more restorative workouts. Today, I went from using a 10-pound kettlebell to a 15-pounder. I thought that this could be my last week since I've been doing it for a month. That thought made me feel , so I decided that I'll keep going. This is the first time in an incredibly long time that I've stuck to a rotation/pattern and it's a great feeling to see progress with the weight I'm using.

While I've been using it, I thought that there was one major thing I didn't cover in my earlier review. She does not mirror cue. For some, that could be a deal breaker. Usually, it would bother me, but for some reason it doesn't with her. I think it's because I visually follow her instead of listening to her set-up directions. So, when she is putting her left foot forward and telling me that's what she's doing, I'm mirroring her and putting my right foot forward.

In the three workouts I do, the workouts follow the same pattern:

> Warm up

> She does a set of 3-5 moves on one side

> Water break (1 minute)

> She does the same set of moves on the other side except that sometimes she alters the last move in some way.

> Water break (1 minute)

> She does the second set of 3-5 moves on one side.

> Water break

> She does the second set of those moves on the other side. Sometimes she alters the last move.

> Water break (1 minute)

> 5 minutes of moves for one minute each.

> Cool down and stretch

I have been thinking of what I didn't put in my first review and wanted to post an update.

Instructor Review

I really, really like her. I think she's motivating and funny.

Laura S

Full disclosure: I received a free review copy of this workout.

This workout is a a fusion of kickboxing and kettlebells, a combination that has always interested me since I first tried kettlebells. I really, really wanted to try it because, after reading about it pretty extensively, it seemed like it would give me the motivation to take my workouts up a notch. Watching the clips gave me the feeling that I would be able to modify it as I needed to for my arthritic hands/wrists and knees.


This Kettelbell Kickboxing set includes 4 different DVDs: Power, Strength, Longevity, and Diversity. I have read that they supposedly target different parts of the body, each targeting a specific female "trouble zone". In my experience, all of them, except for Diversity, are pretty much full-body workouts that leave me drenched in sweat. However, this is what I have read they each target:

1 Power: Arms, Glutes, Inner thighs, Obliques

2 Strength: Total Body fat loss

3 Longevity: Lean legs and Midsection

4 Diversity: Abs, Arms & Glutes

In addition to the DVDs, you get a booklet that contains an eating guide, a measurement tracker, and a workout plan. I glanced at the workout plan to get an idea of how to use them to begin with and am modifying that initial plan as I use them.

All the DVDs let you select the workout with music, without music, and without a warm up and cool down.

Each of the four women in these workouts works at a different pace, so you can choose the exerciser whose pace best matches yours. Plus, two modifiers are included in each workout. The back left exerciser is the advanced modifier and she kicks it up a notch with most moves. The front right exerciser both (1) presents easier modifications and moves the slowest of all the exercisers and (2) uses a dumbbell rather than a kettlebell. What she does sort of reminds me of Atletica a little.


The moves in these workouts include both classic kettlebell and kettlebell/kickbox variations. She talks a lot about the martial arts influence on these workouts and I can see that in some of the moves. These workouts are largely comprised of aerobic intervals that are fast-paced and explosive – often higher-impact moves that engage your entire body. For example, she often has you drop to the floor and then jump (or, for those avoiding high impact like me, go up on your toes). Most of the toning intervals work multiple muscle groups at once. The moves are pretty straightforward, and the addition of weight makes them more intense. These workouts give the option of short workouts, the longest one is 45 minutes with warmup and cooldown. You work hard during this time, even if you modify some of the moves, and I don't have a dread factor with these. In fact, for the first time in a long time, I have a plan for using them in a loose rotation. I'll do three of these workouts a week (Power, Strength, and Longevity). Between them, I'll do some of my easier/more laid back workouts. I've read that some people do two on one day. To those, I express my admiration. I couldn't do more than one of these in a day and I am utterly sweat drenched at the end of each one. But, they go by really quickly and I feel fit and strong doing them. Dasha seems to do a good job sequencing the moves, so the higher impact moves are spread throughout the workout. However, there are multiple times when you do sprawl/burpee/plank type moves. I have been experimenting with replacing those moves with squats and that seems to work pretty well. I realize that I get a less intense upper-body workout doing this, but my hands and wrists just won't take the pressure.

The workout offers two timers. The timer in the upper left has subtitles that tell you what exercise you are doing. When you are almost to the end, there is a flame-type graphic that appears around the timer. There is also a timer in the lower right corner that counts down the number of minutes in the workout. These timers don't really work for me because they are both partially off the screen on my TV and are hard to see. I would enjoy it if I could actually see them fully.

Production values are good, the set is bright and the picture is clear. Plus, there aren't any annoying "creative" camera shots. The set looks like part of a gym. Outfits are mostly mostly capri/ sports bra combos.

I can tell you NOTHING about the music. Since I choose the DVD menu options that says it includes music, I assume it's there. It's really low and/or totally forgettable (or both!). You do have a DVD menu option of playing the workout without music and you could play your own.


Dasha gives great form pointers and good explanations for why you do things and I feel like I have learned some stuff from listening to her. Plus, I find her really motivating as she explains her workout theories and gives options for moves, and encourages you to move at your own pace and in your own way. However, all of this talking is part of a NON-STOP, CONSTANT, STREAM OF CONSCIOUSNESS FLOW OF TALKING. I was prepared for it because I had read quite a bit about this workout before I got it and it doesn't bother me (yet). Most of her talk is fitness, health, capability oriented. Yes, she mentions looking good once in awhile, but not nearly as often as the other benefits you derive. She does mention that she designed these workouts for "the female form", but then she tells you why she claims that.

The funniest moment was the first time I heard her say something like, "I gotta stop talking for a minute." Then, she kept talking without a pause or a breather or any other indication that she had said what she just said. She seems out of breath sometimes and no wonder given how much she talks.


I really like this set, except for Diversity, the abs and core workout. It is jam packed with moves that are supported on the hands and wrists and/or that work the knees hard. So, I won't be doing that one. But, the other DVDs will give me three workouts to alternate with easier workouts. We'll see how my body responses.

I also really like Dasha, even with the non-stop, constant talking. She seems to have built these workouts around her own personal theory of fitness and/or workouts and she sells it without me feeling like she's cramming it down my throat. Plus she seems really supportive and encouragng.

Instructor Review

She gives so many options. She is passionate about her workouts. She talks CONSTANTLY. I like her overall, but I wish she talked less.


This is a fabulous set of workouts for an instructor's first DVD release. Dasha works out with four other background exercisers working at their own pace and capabilities. A dumbbell modifier is shown as well. The production value is very good - professional and polished. The music isn't very loud, and there is a music off option so you can play your own if you'd like.

When you first do these, you may not know what to think because they are so different than anything else out there. I prefer to go heavier and at my own controlled pace for the kettlebell work, but you may like to go lighter and keep up with one of the background exercisers. The dumbbell modifier goes at a much steadier pace, and I prefer to keep my eye on her. Give it a few tries to make it work for you, because these are truly effective workouts!

With the exception of the ab/core DVD, each workout contains a warm up and cool down, along with five circuits comprised of four one minute intervals of work followed by one minute of rest. The last minute of work in each circuit is a cardio blast. The warm ups include kicks, punches, and arms circles. The cool down has yoga inspired stretches and it's a real treat after each workout because she holds each stretch for a long time. Below are the breakdowns.

Power Workout DVD (35 min)

1st circuit

2 hand swing

Boxer squat/snap kick

Clean and press

Jab cross/jump switch

2nd Circuit

2 hand swing

Boxer squat/snap kick

Clean and press

Jab cross/thruster

3rd Circuit

Single hand swing

Curtsey squat/crescent kick

Full clean and press (snatch)

Cover cover jab cross/vertical jump

4 Circuit

Single hand swing

Curtsey squat/crescent kick

Full clean and press (snatch)

Jab cross/thruster

5th Circuit

Single hand switches

High/low goblet squat

Muay Thai Plum

Jab cross/burpees

Strength Workout DVD (39 min)

1st circuit

KB chop right

Cat squat/snap kick right

Monk walk

Triple elbow/sprawl

2nd Circuit

KB chop left

Cat squat/snap kick left

Monk walk

Double snap kick/sprawl

3rd Circuit

KB raise

Long lunge w/teep


Double kick/sprawl

4th Circuit

KB raise

Long lunge w/teep



5th Circuit

KB triangle

KB stiff leg deadlift

Boxer halo

Snap teep/burpee sprawl

Longevity Workout DVD (43 min)

1st circuit

KB sumo swing

Warrior squat w/press right

Sling high pull right

Jab cross hook/switches

2nd Circuit

KB sumo swing

Warrior squat w/press left

Sling high pull left

Double kick/switches

3rd Circuit

Alternating KB sumo swing

Warrior (one legged deadlift with press)

Suitcase w/raise right

Teep donkey kick/switch

4th Circuit

Alternating KB sumo swing

Warrior (one legged deadlift with press)

Suitcase w/raise left

Triple elbow/switch

5th Circuit

Alternating swing w/sling

Alternating short lunge w/lift

Sumo walk

Triple elbow/thrust switch

Diversity Workout DVD (24 min)

1st circuit

Turkish sit-up right

Alternating plank push-up

Jiujitsu sit-up


2nd Circuit

Turkish sit-up left

Alternating plank push-up w/side plank

Oblique knee sit-up

Full Jiujitsu sit-up

3rd Circuit

Turkish getup w/side plank right

Turkish getup w/side plank left

2 handed diver sit-up

Boxer sit-up

2 handed Turkish raise

Deck squat


Instructor Review

Dasha does talk a lot, but I don't find her annoying. It's actually kind of helpful to hear her getting you through each minute. I've been doing a lot of kettlebell, kickboxing and yoga on my own the past year, so this was a real treat to find a program that has it all in one package! I will definitely buy any future workouts Dasha releases.