Kiana Ftiness: Strength
Reviews from VideoFitness
This is a circuit video with 3 phases. This is the breakdown of the workout:
Phase I:
1) 22 squats
2)one arm row, 22 on one side and 17 on the other
3)dumbbell chest press 20 reps
4)side lateral raises 25 reps
5)alternating dumbbell curls, about 13 reps
6)25 bent knee tricep dips
7) isometric ab holds and 2 sets of 16 cruunces of various types,followed by oblique crunches 1 set of 10 each side
Phase II:
1)static lunges 15 on one side and 17 on another side
2) bent over dumbbell rows 16 on one side and 18 on the other side,
3)incline chest press, 15 reps,
4)incline bicep curls 13 reps,
5)one arm lateral side raises 13 on one side and 12 on ther other side
6)one are tricep kickbacks 20 on one side and ten on the other
7) a variety of crunces again
Phase III:
1) 23 squats with heels elevated,
2) dead lifts, 14 reps
3)2 arm bentover row 20 reps
4)back flyes 14 reps
5 ) rear delt lifts 20 reps
6) overhead tricepts extension 20 on one side and 17 on the other
7) bench press/fly combo 13 reps 8) concentration curls 10 on one side and
15 on the other and hammer curls 12 reps
9) a set of about 10 leg ups and 10 V ups.
I hope this is not confusing, but I was trying to show the inconsistency in the tape. There is no warm up or cool down and the tape is 30 minutes. She moves very quickly through the exercises and she also performs the movements rather quickly. Maybe I am just used to slower movements becuase i have been using Cathe's MIS and Pure Strenght tapes. I have been exercising several years and consider my self advanced, so this tape was just not for me. Also it was 29.95 for a 30 minute tape which was not worth it. If you like a circuit workout that is definitely total body and you like to move quickly using lighter weights, then you might like this. But if I want a workout like that, I would much prefer the Firm because it is more fun.
This is the Kiana of "Kiana's Flex Appeal" on ESPN. She is pretty much the same way as she is on her show, giving little informative tidbits during the exercise. I was dissappointed in her ability to keep up with the number of reps, when counting. She starts out by saying 10 to fifteen reps, (in fact she repeats this afew times) and then for most of the exercises, she does more than that. She begins an exercise and suddenly in the middle of the set, she comes in with "seven, eight, nine,etc." only I have been counting and we are often on rep 12 or 13. Because of this, many of the exercises do not have the same # of reps per left or right when it is an exercise done with one side of the body at a time.This may not bother some people, but I like to work both sides evenly, and this happens alot in the tape.