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UFIT Ultra Burn: Calorie Crushing Cardio

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Reviews from VideoFitness


My VF Review from 9 Nov 2013:

Tonight I did both Ultra Burn workouts: Calorie Crushing Cardio and Sculpt & Stretch.

Calorie Crushing Cardio (20 minutes):

* 2 minute intervals: 1 high intensity, 1 lower intensity

* No stretch to warm-up

* Marching x4 + knee ups x2

* Forward lunge + knee up left leg (same leg)

* Alternating step knee + punch

* Forward lunge + knee up right leg

* Squats pulsing x8 and then jump to other side & repeat

* 45 degree squats - start with front squat & turn to left

* Slide shuffles to both sides with floor touch

* 45 degree squats - start with front squat & turn to right

* Skier shuffle x8 then go low for 4, repeat

* Reverse lunge plus knee up with same leg - left side

* Heel digs fast for 8 and then down for 4 slow, repeat

* Reverse lunge plus knee up with same leg - right side

* Lateral jumps from side to side

* Power knee up and hold back in lunge position - right leg - x24

* Box jumps alternate slow then fast - to left side (fun Latin music with this one)

* Power knee up and hold back in lunge position - left leg - x24

* Box jumps alternate slow then fast - to right side

* Jog for 8, knees up for 4 holds - repeat

* 45 degree squats to side, front, other side - slow then fast & low

* Stretch at end for 1 minute - runner's stretch, hamstring stretch - switch sides; shoulder stretch on each side

Overall thoughts on Calorie Crushing Cardio:

* I loved it - the workout just flew by, there was a ton of variety, and it was a lot of fun

* It felt very leg-centric, which is the area I really want to focus on

* Music is upbeat and motivating - techno/pop variety; Cindy is very encouraging and has nice tips / reminders throughout

* There are a few times at the end of the intervals where they sometimes start to do small squats, but then change their minds & go on to next interval - sometimes a little distracting

* The 10 seconds of clicking to signal the end of each interval still reminds me of being in an MRI machine, though I'm getting more used to it