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Urban Rebounding: Interval Bound

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Reviews from VideoFitness


This was one of my first UR w/os, and quickly became my favorite. The moves are fun and not too repetitive, which is my chief complaint about UR Intermediate, for example. Shannon is a great instructor and is good at motivating the exerciser (me:)). The w/o is about 30 minutes and has different combos broken up by jogging and sprinting blocks, which really get the heart racing. This w/o is so much fun to me and I liked Shannon so much, that I wanted to get the other w/os she lead, Box & Bounce and Sports Specific, which I now have. Out of the three that Shannon leads, however, I think that Interval Bound is the hardest.

Instructor Review

Shannon is my favorite UR instructor!! She is enthusiastic and very straightforward in style. She's fun but not as annoying as some who are way too perky or spastic for my taste. Shannon also cues very well.


This is a nice little rebounding workout. The moves are basic and easy to follow. I’m an intermediate exerciser and Interval Bound seemed easy to me. Even when giving it my all. It just didn’t seem to fry me like some of the other/older UR workouts.

There is a 4 minute warm-up, 24 minute workout and about a 2 minute cool down. (Most of the new UR workouts are too darn short for me.)

Instructor Review

Shannon has a good personality. Not too perky, not too serious. She cues well. I’d like to see some more (longer) rebounder workouts with her in the lead.


When is the last time you remember having a fun workout or using the words “good time” and “exercise” in the same sentence? If you can’t remember or if you answered that it has been too long, or if you are just looking for a fun new cardio workout, Interval Bound just might be something you want to try.

Interval Bound, which is one in a series of new rebounding (mini-trampoline) exercise videos produced by Urban Rebounding, was created by martial arts expert JB Berns. Unfortunately, many UR workouts starring JB have not received many rave reviews here at VF. Even though exercising on the rebounder has increased in popularity, a common complaint expressed by many rebounders has been the lack of good rebounder videos. Fortunately for us rebounder lovers, I believe UR has found a major talent in Shannon Griffiths.

Shannon leads two other background exercisers in this 30 minute, fun, energetic, rebounder (mini-trampoline) workout. The moves are very easy to follow and Shannon’s cueing is excellent. Some of the moves consists of jumping jacks, jumping in place while doing shoulder presses cross country skiing or scissor jumps, jumping side-to-side, jogging , boxing and running sprints.

Urban Rebounder classifies this as an intermediate workout but I classify it as a workout you can adjust to any level of fitness and I consider myself to be an advanced exerciser. More vigorous jumping (pressing down on the rebounder as opposed to jumping higher) and increased arm movements can definitely give the advanced exerciser a challenging workout and substituting basic bounces or health bounces (light jumps) can take down the intensity a few notches. The workout itself is approximately 30 minutes in length but I had such a good time doing the workout it felt like as soon as it started, it was over.

I rate a workout video by asking one question: If I had a choice, would I buy this workout again? For Interval Bound, of course the answer is yes! Like I said, I consider myself an advanced exerciser however, I don't like dancy choreography and my knees cant take high impact anymore so this workout is perfect for me. In general I think rebounding is the most fun I’ve had working out in a long time. Because the time flies by so fast, I don’t find myself watching the clock or thinking about how many calories is this going to burn. Instead, I find myself remembering how I felt when I was five jumping up and down on my bed, hoping that mom and dad did not catch me. And that was a good time.

Hopefully UR will continue to use Shannon in future productions which will have all us die hard and newly found rebounders alike jumping for joy!

Instructor Review

I really like Shannon's style. She's energetic, gives clear cues and makes rebounding look easy and fun. I'd like to see the Urban Rebound crew use her in future videos.