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Walk Away the Pounds for Abs, 1 Mile

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Reviews from VideoFitness


I have a lot of Leslie workouts, because I do them often and need variety. In this one, she introduces her walk away belt gadget, which I do not have, nor do you need in order to do this workout. I use the walk away weights instead, but you can use dumbbells, or nothing!

The music is standard Leslie instrumental, and she uses her basic 4 moves throughout. She tells you when you've reached 1/2 mile and then 1 mile. The pace starts slow, but then increases -- it is faster than her oringinal WATP series, but not as brisk as her add-ons.

There are a lot of background exercisers -- and there is chatter between Leslie and them during the workout (as usual).

The mile take about 17 minutes with cool down and warm up, and is classic Leslie. If you like her workouts and need a 1 mile for variety, I recommend it.

Instructor Review

Leslie is her usual chatty and sweet self!