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Walk Away Stress

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Reviews from VideoFitness


The version of this workout I did was on a compilation of older stuff by Leslie called 7 Day Calorie Blast. Based on the length of this one (about 32 minutes) I would say it was a 2 mile walk, but Leslie and her walkers don't count miles. It's got all of Leslie's signature moves, nothing new here. The backgrounders are all her walk leaders which I like seeing. Also, this one uses the William Tell Overture, which I personally love. I don't know why more classical music isn't used in more workout DVDs as it's not got copyright (that I'm aware of). That being said, this didn't hold my attention very well this morning, and I can't put my finger on why. It has that been there, done that feel to it, but usually that doesn't bother me. I had been on a 2 week Leslie hiatus, and it might be that I needed more this morning. All in all for what it is, not a bad workout. Just not what I was looking for. I will also add that the cooldown/stretch at the end was oddly short for Leslie, she spent no time stretching out the legs and calves as she usually does.

Instructor Review

Leslie is her chatty self, which if you have read my other reviews doesn't bother me at all. She's the chipper bird on your shoulder at 5:00 AM telling you to get moving and keep going.


The DVD says this is three 10 minute walks, when in fact, Leslie tells you when 10 minutes are up and if you like you can cool down and stretch on your own. The total walk is about 30 minutes and is supposed to be equivalent to 2 miles. There are 6 background walkers (all women), 2 of which I recognized as Mary Kay and Sandra (Leslie introduces them all in the middle of the workout)

I have a lot of Leslie workouts, and I will compare this one to others. I thought the intensity was higher than the original WATP and can be compared to the 2 mile walk aerobics one. She moves at a fairly brisk pace. I have to disagree with the other reviewer that said it was less intense than her power series. Even though she doesn't use weights, she has upper body moves throuhout, and you can easily add you own weights. I felt the intensity to be comparable to the power mile, walk and kick, and others.

The music is better than most of her workouts, and the volume is louder and some of the tunes are familiar (like the Lone Ranger Theme!)

She adds some variety to her usual 4 moves -- you do kickbacks, double side steps, walking knee lifts, and double knee lifts.

If you like Leslie and want a little different variety and higher intensity, this workout should do it!

Instructor Review

Leslie is pleasantly chatty, as always. She was funny at times and motivating as well.


This is a 30-minute walk, broken down into 10-minute segments. Leslie tells you when each segment is up and offers you the chance to stop, cool down, and get on with your day. The focus of this tape is relieving stress - just 10 minutes a day can really make a difference.

Leslie teaches with six women, four instructors (including my favorites - Carol and Mary Kay) and two walkers. One of the walkers has lost 52 lbs and no longer needs blood pressure medication after 15 years thanks to Leslie's programs.

The set is yellow with a cement floor. There are two huge wooden doors in the back and blue windows on the sides of the room. It is open and spacious. The women all wear varying shades of black, grey, and yellow.

The music is especially brisk, which makes me think that one actually goes a little more than the usual two miles, but Leslie doesn't give an actual distance. She is concentrating on time.

This is a great addition to anyone's Leslie collection.

Instructor Review

Leslie is her usual cheery, informative self. She looks very comfortable and enjoys interacting with the group.


This tape is one of Leslie’s better ones. The music is louder, peppier, and in places, familiar, which makes the time go by faster. Intensity-wise, this tape is medium---not as slow as something like Evening Mile from the sun/moon set, and not as fast as one of her "power"tapes. There are no new moves here---just the usual steps, marches, kicks etc. but this tape offers nice variety for a regular user of Leslie’s tapes. Overall---if you keep one or two Leslie’s around for a lighter/recovery day, this tape is nothing new. But if you are an avid fan, you’ll enjoy it.