Gilad Janklowicz
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Gilad Productions Ltd
Instructor Videos
Gilad Janklowicz’s retail videos (DVD, VHS, etc.)
- 30 Minute Beginners Workout [1993]
- Core and More [2006]
- Cuts & Curves [2006]
- Elite Forces [2007]
- Express Workouts! [2008]
- Fat Burning Workout [2001]
- Getting Fit in Jerusalem (aka Best of Bodies In Motion III) [1998]
- Gilad Kids in Motion, Hooked on Fitness [2009]
- Gilad's Step and Tone Workout [1993]
- Interval Training [2005]
- Lord of the Abs: Abs on Fire! [2011]
- Lord of the Abs: Core Challenge [2011]
- Lord of the Abs: Hard Core [2011]
- Lord of the Abs: Maximum Abs [2011]
- Lord of the Abs: Phenomenal Abs & Core [2011]
- Men's Ams of Steel [1994]
- Men's Legs of Steel [1994]
- New Beginners' Workout [1995]
- New Best of Bodies in Motion [1992]
- Power and Grace [2006]
- Quick Fit: Abs [2001]
- Quick Fit: Cardio Strike [2001]
- Quick Fit: Chest & Back [2001]
- Quick Fit: Hips, Thighs & Buns [2004]
- Quick Fit: Shoulders and Arms [2001]
- Sculpt And Tone [1995]
- Split Routine: Aerobics/Toning [1990]
- Step Aerobics [1992]
- Total Body Sculpt PLUS: Cutting Edge [2009]
- Total Body Sculpt PLUS: Functional Fitness [2009]
- Total Body Sculpt PLUS: Peak Performance [2009]
Service(s) where you can stream this instructor's workouts