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Gilad Kids in Motion, Hooked on Fitness

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Reviews from VideoFitness


Gilad leads two workouts (both have a segment of aerobics/cardio w/ stretches, followed by a segment of strength/calisthenics performed on the floor) geared for children "walking age to 14." The workouts are chaptered by sections (warm-up, main workout, cool-down), but not by exercises. The warm-ups are very thorough, the cool-downs are very brief (Gilad recommends that users perform additional stretches on their own). The cardio exercises are athletic: jumping jacks, kicks, punches, jog in place, jumping rope & step/tap. The calisthenics exercises are push-ups, leg lifts (outer & inner) & crunch variations. Gilad explains the form for most exercises thoroughly, cues well and provides encouraging comments to the cast. These workouts are from Gilad's television series, and though the copyright for this DVD is 2009, it looks like it was filmed earlier (Gilad looks much younger in these workouts than presently).

I purchased this DVD for my son (age 11) to use as a supplement to his martial arts training. He really enjoyed Shaun T's Get Real fitness video series (produced by Beachbody, they're composed of 2 bodyweight workouts, one focused on cardio, one strength), and so I thought that Gilad's children workouts might be good to try because they're somewhat similar in format (knowledgable instructor, workouts focused on athletic cardio & bodyweight strength exercises & short duration of time/under 30 min.). My son didn't like that there was not a timer displayed for the workouts, the warm-ups feel too long & that there were a lot of reps for the exercises aerobic segment (he likes when it is just a cued number of reps). And he wished that the cast was older in age, closer to his own age. But I think w/ more use, the workouts will be more enjoyable (I'm sure he will become tired of just using Shaun T.'s workouts).

Set: two different areas on the beach in Hawaii, each person exercises on a black oval- shaped mat

Cast: Workout #1 has 3 girls and 1 boy (one of the girls, Emily, does lead some of the exercises, and does a great job), and there's tropical bird on set. Workout #2 has two kids, one boy & one girl.

Workout #1 (21 min.): starts off w/ Gilad & cast in a jeep driving to the set, then they walk to the set & Gilad introduces the cast by name.

Warm-up (7:28 min.)

Inhale w/ overhead arms, exhale & reverse motion

Side bend w/ single arm reach overhead

Torso twist w/ bent arms> w/ straight arms & bigger range of motion> clasped hands, arms swing together (to back of body)> open arms & bend

Heel lifts in plie/sumo position (wide stance of legs, turned out feet), hands on hips

Step side w/ hand claps> arms alternate, one reaches overhead/one side of body> fingers snapping

Arm circles (straight arms held out to side), small range of motion> palms ups> bent arms, w/ bigger range of motion (circles front of body)> small arm circles

Chest press (bent arms, brought in front of body 2 counts, reverse motion)

Arm swings side to side (one arm swings to the other side to meet the other)> overhead arm swings (to other side arm)

Pull bent arms in bicep curl to back, then arm (tricep) extension to back> Tricep extension w/ flat back

Squat (narrow stance) w/ overhead arms

Alternate Tricep extension & bicep curl w/ arms held out to side> tricep extension, then hold> rotate shoulders forward & back (w/ arms held out to side)

Workout (13 min.)

Jog in place

Jump rope

Jumping jacks> cross legs w/ jumps in

Kicks (front, alternating)> side kicks

Hip twists (pivot off of feet)> add arms swings to side, then overhead arms> Jog in place (aim to kick bottom w/ heels)> Hip twists> step & leg swing side-to side w/ arm swings to side> overhead arm swing> single arm reach

Shuffle in place (shift weight to each side)> Marches (in place)> Jumping jacks (hands on hips)> alternate single arm reach to side & down (in front of body)> Side lunge jumps or heel lift (body faces side) w/ 2 pulses (fast rep w/ small range of motion)> add 2 single arm punch to side> alternating punches to front w/ side lunge jump/heel lift.

Jog in place> Jumping jacks> add arm circles (to back)> jog (heels aim for bottom)> alternate 2 kicks (front)> jump rope> single arm punches (jab), both sides> jog in place.

Shuffle in place> side step w/ clap> inhale w/ overhead arms & exhale to reverse motion.


Wide (leg) hamstring stretch (standing, fold over lower body w/ a flat back,hands on floor)

Single leg hamstring stretch (upper body turns to face side), both sides> center for wide hamstring stretch

Inner thigh stretch in side lunge position, both sides

Straddle/split stretch: seated on floor w/ arms reaching forward, and flexed feet> stretch to each side w/ overhead arm, both sides.

Shake legs out (seated w/ both legs extended in front of body)> stretch forward for seated hamstring stretch> upper body presses (reaches) forward.

Calisthenics/Bodyweight exercises on floor

Crunches: lie on floor w/ bent knees>shoulders & head come off floor w/ both arms reaching forward (for crunch to center)

Side crunch: from same position as previous, alternate punching & reaching upper body to each side> place hands / bent arms, behind head.

Center crunches> hug knees into chest.

(Outer thigh) Leg lifts: lie on side w/ upper body supported on bottom elbow & bottom leg bent & top leg straight> lift top leg & lower> circle leg forward> circle leg backward> leg lifts> bring knee in & rotate to side for stretch, repeat on other side.

Push-ups: on toes (no form pointers provided)

Cool-down (30 sec.)

Hamstring stretch (narrow stance of legs, hands on ankles)> Roll up to standing position> inhale w/ overhead arms & exhale to reverse motion.

*Recommends that users continue stretching for a few more minutes on their own*

Workout #2/Strength (21 min.):starts off with a live performance by 3 hula dancers & a drummer, then Gilad introduces the cast by name (2 kids).

Warm-up (6 min.)

Inhale w/ overhead arms, exhale & reverse motion.

Side bend w/ single arm reach overhead

Both arms reach overhead to one side, then flat back w/ arm (tricep) extension> single leg hamstring stretch> swing arms & move upper body to other side & up to standing position, repeat on other side, 4 counts per move, next run through 2 counts per exercise.

Torso twist w/ bent arms> w/ straight arms & bigger range of motion> bent arms> alternate facing side w/ flat back & arm reach (one in front, one in back)> lower upper body over leg w/twist (chest faces back, one arm touches floor, other reaches overhead), both sides, center

Inner thigh stretch in side lunge position> roll up to standing position.

Heel lifts in plie/sumo position (wide stance of legs, turned out feet), hands on hips> alternate single heel lift.

Chest press (bent arms, brought in front of body & reverse motion)> squeeze harder> 2 counts chest press & pull arms to back> shake arms out.

Workout (14 min.)

Side step w/ claps> marches> knee lifts w/ opposite elbow meeting it> hamstring curl w/ overhead arms pulling down> repeat sequence from knee lifts.

Jog in place> kick back heels higher (hamstring curls/heels aim for bottom)> add single arm swings, side to side> shuffle in place> jump rope> jumping jacks w/ arms to side> w/ arm circles to back.

Side lunge jumps or heel lift (body faces side)w/ both arms swinging overhead> jog in place> hamstring curls> easy jog> side jumps> add arm swing (one arm overhead, one at side of body)> alternating kicks facing front (but off to side)> add opposite elbow to leg.


Wide leg hamstring stretch (standing, fold over lower body w/ a flat back, hands on floor)

Seated w/ both legs extended in front of body)> rock to sides w/ hip lift & alternating bent knee> stretch forward for seated hamstring stretch> inhale w/ overhead arms.

Calisthenics/Bodyweight exercises on floor

Crunches: lie on floor w/ bent knees>shoulders & head come off floor w/ both arms reaching forward (for crunch to center)

Side crunch: from same position as previous w/ bent knees lifted off floor & held in place, place hands / bent arms, behind head> alternate crunching to each side> bring/hug knees into chest.

Leg lifts: from previous position, support upper body on bent elbows> lift one knee up & bring into body & straighten out, lift up in air & lower, repeat on other side.

Spinal twist stretch: lie back on floor w/ bent knees, lower knees to one side & hold w/ arms reaching to opposite side, repeat on other side.

Inner thigh leg lift: lie on side w/ upper body supported on bottom elbow & bottom leg straight & top leg bent (foot flat on floor)> lift bottom leg & lower> hold leg off floor, alternate pointing & flexing foot> lift leg at higher level> bend bottom leg & place foot over other leg for stretch, repeat on other side.

Outer thigh leg lift: lie on side w/ upper body supported on bottom elbow & bottom leg bent & top leg straight> lift top leg & lower> lift leg up to high position & hold> repeat on other side.

Cool-down (45 sec.)

From seated position w/ legs extended in front of body> bend knee & bring closer to chest, hug knee w/ arms.

Roll up to standing position> inhale w/ overhead arms & exhale to reverse motion.

*Recommends that users continue stretching for a few more minutes on their own*