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Gliding Games

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Reviews from VideoFitness


Gliding Games is 47 min. instructional DVD led by Mindy Mylrea, and her son demos the exercises w/ her. Mindy goes over proper form, safety issues, modifications to increase or reduce intensity, how to use exercises for different circuits and/or focuses in a group ex. setting (or PE class), partner exercises, and sport specific movements (hockey/soccer, swimming, boxing, speed skating, shot put, volleyball, agility, balance & speed/power). There are clips of group exercise classes before certain exercises to show viewers how they would look performed in a group setting. Exercises w/ the gliding discs used as markers, partner passes (transfer w/ hands & feet), single & multiple disc exercises, and standing & floor exercises are all shown & explained in detail. It's really thorough, I bought it to learn some new exercises to mix into my routines, and use w/ my kids for home exercise, and am pleased with it (countless ideas to use & detailed instruction). I had actually been looking for a book or DVD that demoed a large variety of gliding/sliding exercises for some time (many just have similar exercise: variations of lunges, squats or plank position exercises and rarely partner exercises), and this definitely works for that (can be used for all sorts of sports & focuses in exercises). The video is chaptered into segments (gliding basics, station ideas, ladder drills, cone drills, games), and is well chaptered by exercises in each segment.

Gliding Basics (4:27 min.): Mindy discusses how to mount & dismount discs. Two main rules: Ball of feet is placed on gliding discs for standing exercise, the heel of foot is off the discs & used for a brake (stop) or push-off point (to move to side) for exercises. And that when a user plans to extend a leg from the midline (of body) w/ a gliding disc, that he/she needs to have the heel of other foot on floor (for stability). When users are stationary, they can elevate heels when both feet are on discs (twist or releve), when feet are together (at midline) & for short periods of time.

For prone position, hands & heel of feet can be placed on gliding discs.

Has users practice side slide step (feet on both discs), demos side lunge, rear lunge, curtsey lunge w/ one disc used. Beginners should limit range of motion & speed/pace of exercises & can have contact point for stability (chair, body bar, partner).

Station Ideas (15 min.)

Speed Skating: both feet on gliding discs, alternate step, (other leg) slide to side w/ fast pace, used for cardio focus. Arms can be held in front of body for beginners or arms move w/ legs (same side arm extends front). For more intensity, after step slide to side, add another slide (moving/sliding leg) in to center & reverse motion, then repeat on other side.

Fencing: partner exercise, both feet on gliding discs, legs in plie/sumo position (turned out feet, wide stance of legs). Alternate traveling forward (advancing) & back (retreating) w/ partner. Mime the fencing arms (no equipment, play sword needed).

Shot-put: one foot is on gliding disc (traveling foot), slide back w/ straight leg for a rear lunge (that travels to other side like a curtsy lunge, not directly to back) & upper body rotates to back w/ arm miming the throw.

Partner Lunging: partners face each other, both have one gliding disc under one foot (opposite foot) and one disc held in hand (opposite hand)> simultaneously perform sliding rear lunge w/ transfer of discs to each other (transfer can occur at chest, waist knee level & on floor/scoot disc across floor level)> In lowered position of lunge, partners can join hands & alternate pushing and pulling each other back/forth.

Soccer/Hockey: partners face each other, and alternate pushing one disc to the other w/ foot (aim to push it through legs of partner), alternate foot used to move disc.

More intensive variation: each partner pushes a disc to one another w/ the opposite foot & transfer weight to other foot (w/ a small hop) and attempt to catch partner's disc w/ foot, fast-paced.

Boxing Reaction Drill: two discs are turned over on carpet, and placed a couple of feet apart for use as markers (or on other flooring, like wood or tile, use tape, cones for markers), partners face each other> one partner travels in different directions (side to side, forward & back) & touch discs, the other has to copy.

Burpees:start from standing position w/ both feet on gliding discs & arms held overhead, then lower body into crouched position & place hands on floor> slide both legs back so body is in plank position, then reverse motion.

Road Runners: mountain climbers w/ both feet on gliding discs (body in plank position, arms stay in place) & can travel forward w/ arms & continue to alternate legs.

Twister: start w/ body on all fours (quadruped position) w/ knees elevated off floor and both feet (balls of feet) on gliding discs> slide one knee under the other & rotate body around (& arm) to be in a reverse table top position w/ balls of feet on floor, then reverse motion.

Road Runner w/ twist: perform mountain climbers w/ both feet on gliding discs, but w/ turned out knee & body rotates to the knee.

X-shape push-up: uses 4 gliding discs, in plank position on elbows w/ discs under elbows & feet> slide legs and arms out to side & reverse motion.

Volley ball: place gliding discs (uses 8), face-down (logo), and in a line on the floor> partners face each other run to each disc & jump to high five each other (w/ both hands) then run back to the starting discs, repeat on until reaching all discs.

Suicide drill: partners face the side of the line of discs and run to move forward, then bend down to touch a disc, then move back to starting point & repeat (can skip discs or touch them all). Shuffle side: similar exercise but partners face each other & discs, and shuffle to side to move forward & backward> partners should switch sides to perform exercises again.

Ladder Drills (10 min.): place gliding discs face down to use as markers (4 spaced about a foot apart)

Partner exercise w/ different movement patterns: partners face each other (stand to side of line of discs), run forward through two discs, move onto next two to travel backwards & reverse motion to travel back to starting place. Or can move forward & backward between same pair of discs before moving onto next (less likely to run into discs on backward movement w/ this variation).

*exercises all start w/ person facing line of discs*

Zig zag run: person runs/moves forward in a zig zag pattern through the discs, turn around at end, and repeat other direction.

Leaps: person leaps over one disc, and lands in-between space of two discs (and onto one foot), turn around at end, and repeat other direction.

Frog jumps: person frog jumps (jump up, land in low position of plie/sumo squat w/ both hands touching disc) forward & back in-between space of discs.

*Use for circuits in group ex. class, people can line up & continue moving vs. resting/idle time that is not sequenced in due to work interval*

Hop: person hops forward (one leg on floor, other w/ bent knee held to back) in a zig zag pattern through the discs, turn around at the end, switch feet, and repeat in other direction.

Hopscotch: person travels forward, and jumps out feet around(straddles) disc, then hops onto one foot in space in-between discs, turn around at end, and repeat other direction.

Circle runs: person runs forward, and circle around each disc, direction (clock-wise, counter clock-wise) switches for each disc.

Squat jump: person squats, then jumps up in air & clicks heels together over each disc, then lands w/ feet outside of disc, and walks/jogs forward to next disc, turn around at end, and repeat other direction.

Prone Disc Pass (partner exercise): one person is on floor in prone (plank) position (facing floor, on all fours w/ straight legs, wide stance of legs), facing away from the other. The other person pushes the discs (one at a time), through the person's legs, and he/she catches it w/ his/her hand and sends it back to the other (does not look down or back, but head kept in neutral position). Partner back-to-back prone disc pass: both people are in prone (plank) position w/ feet (right) next to each other, alternate pushing a disc to each other & catching a disc, alternate hands.

Seated Disc Pass (partner exercise): partners are seated on the floor w/ almost straight legs (slight bend in knees), feet against each other. Both partners bend knees, lean back, and place both hands on floor for support. One partner places a disc between his/her feet and straightens legs to give disc to other person (and then bends knees to return to starting position), other person gets the disc w/ feet (straightens legs & then bends knees) and then passes back to other person. More challenging variation: place one hand on floor, other is held overhead, advanced: both arms held overhead.

Rotation: feet & legs are angled to side for more intensity.

Swimming: person is lying on floor in prone position w/ arms extended to front w/ both hands on discs, head in neutral position (lower body on floor)> free-style stroke: alternate one arm sliding to the back w/ bent arm (stays close to body) & upper body lift & sliding back to the front, fast pace> breast stroke: both arms slide out to side & pull into body w/ upper body lift, then both arms slide forward to start again> Key hole stroke: both arms extended in front, slide back & create key-hole shape w/ hands into body, then arms slide out to side and return to starting position.

Cone Drills (8 min.): uses Gliding discs as cones, they're turned upside down & placed on floor (4 discs, each spaced about a foot apart) or on hardwood floors use cones or other markers (that won't slip on the surface)

*exercises start w/ person facing the side of the line of discs*

Figure 8's: person travels in a figure 8 pattern (around the side, front, side back) around two discs, then return back.

T-drill: person moves forward in between discs, then backwards and steps out wide, repeat w/ other foot in lead.

*exercises start w/ person standing in-between discs, facing line of discs*

Speed hop/squat hop: person performs 4 squat hops (heels lift, small jump) in place (in-between discs), then face back of discs for 4 hops, then face other side (in-between disc) for 4 hops, then face back for 4 more jumps> 2 jumps in each place> single reps.

Power jump: person performs 2 power jumps (bigger range of motion & more power than previous exercise) in place (in-between discs), then face back of discs for 2 power jumps, then face other side (in-between disc) for 2 power jumps, then face back for 2 more power jumps> single reps.

Skaters: perform w/ body in upright position (to teach) w/ arm reach to side, then increase range of motion, body has flat back & reaches to touch discs.

Side jumps: start w/ body centered in between two discs, alternate performing side step jumps (pony)> More intensity: faster pace w/ feet> Side jumps: alternate jumping w/ both feet to side> Advanced: side jump w/ big range of motion (length traveled w/ jump)> Side jump version w/ two discs close together: reduced length traveled in jump, can cue to jump higher or lower for more intensity> Side jump version w/ two discs far apart: longest length traveled in jump, so pace is slower.

Games (10 min.): all partner or group exercises

Partner Line: partners face each other & are on opposite ends of the room, w/ balls of feet on gliding discs> scurry/jog in to meet each other (at center of room), shake hands, then scurry back to starting position> repeat and add additional hand shakes (2), high five & low five, when meeting> repeat and add burpee after low five> add do-si-do after burpee.

Back to Back Relay: uses one disc, partners travel across room w/ backs facing each other, & one disc held between the two (hip, back, knee), knees are bent & arms held to side. Good to have partner of similar height.

Wheel Barrow Pull: one person is seated on disc while holding a disc in hands w/ extended arms (steering wheel), the other person holds on to their partner's legs & pulls them around. The seated person turns the disc (steering wheel) to direct partner of which way to go> Wheel Barrow: one person is in prone position w/ both hands on gliding discs, the other holds their partner's legs off of ground, and can push partner forward or back on floor or just be support (person can move hands on floor to travel).

Crab Walk: person starts seated on floor w/ bent knees, both heels on discs & hands on floor> lift lower body off floor and travel forward, backwards or sideways to partner> Sled/Run: person is in prone position w/ both hands on gliding discs, run around floor to partner

Rock Paper Scissors (partner exercise, no gliding discs used): partners face each other and play rock, paper, scissors, whoever wins, chases the other (both run in straight line), repeat 5 times.

Newspaper Run (uses newspaper, no gliding discs): both people stand apart from each other, one person has a newspaper on their chest (and does not hold it in place, should stay on its own, as person runs) & travels around the other (trying to keep the newspaper on the entire time)> transfer newspaper to partner: person w/ newspaper runs to partner (who has both arms up) & attempts to transfer newspaper to him/her, the partner who gets the news paper runs to the other side & tries to transfer it back to their partner.

Willie, Billie, Jo & Mo (need four participants, decide who plays which person): Willie, Billie & Jo form a circle by holding hands, Mo is out of the circle & attempts to tag Jo (but cannot reach over or under circle to tag Jo), Willie & Billie are “protectors” of Jo and can only move in circular directions (clock-wise or counter-clockwise) to thwart Mo's attempts at tagging Jo (cannot move around room)> after Jo is tagged, switch the roles for the participants to mix it up (Jo has to tag Mo).

Disc Turn Over (partner exercise): Time based exercise, can do 30 seconds or more.

Space is it set up w/ multiple discs spread around the room, some are right side up (gliding logo visible) or upside down> Both people squat down & turn over discs, one person turns over the discs to the right side up, the other turns them over to the opposite side> winner turns over the most discs in the time given.

Instructor Review

Mindy instructs (and performs most of the exercises) w/ attention to detail (form, how to execute in group or partner setting) & w/ great energy (though she does need a rest, at times). She is very knowledgable and passionate about fitness (and making it fun/appealing) to people.